Opinions on Primo

Yeah that’s a lot of money, fair enough :slight_smile:

Is it safe to run orals for that long? The doses are low, however even at a low dose, I believe the lipid profile can take quite a beating (more so with TBOL than DBOL since it doesn’t aromatize). Low dose DBOL would (in my opinion) work well for what you are looking for, however I have never used steroids before, so my opinion doesn’t mean anything. If you go onto the MIMS and look up methandienone (dbol) the prescribing guidelines for “promoting constructive anabolism of proteins” is a mere 5-10mg per day. What happened to the primo if you don’t mind me asking? Was the source not good enough or was it too expensive.

Probably not a great idea to run it that long, but I have a few genetic gifts, one of them being really good cholesterol. If I were to run the dbol that way I would have to augment my plan to try to adjust my cholesterol.

The primo source is reliable for a lot of other things, but I just couldn’t spend that much without having more certainty that it’s legit. I could get it tested after the fact, but that doesn’t guarantee that I wouldn’t be getting ripped off in the first place. One day I’ll pull the trigger.

This is possibly a terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible idea, but why not run Tren E at a really low dose in conjunction with your TRT? Trenbolone has an anabolic/androgenic ratio of 500/500 compared to testosterones 100/100, if this anabolic to androgenic rating also applies to humans (which it probably doesn’t) then Tren would give you the recomping/lean gains you are looking for at a very, very low dose. Cardio may take a beating though, but surely it’s dose dependant? Are you genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness? You could also look into masteron (drostanolone). EQ could also be an option, I’m just listing options that aren’t orals. These could be terrible ideas, I don’t know.

Tren seems to have a reputation for a wide range of things, from total body transformation, to insane sides. I’m not ready for that, mentally.

EQ is supposed to be great and I would love to try it. I’m cautious because of the anecdotal evidence that says it can exacerbate anxiety. I’ve been in control of my anxiety—no drugs, just mindfulness—for five years now. I don’t want to risk going back down that road if I can avoid it.

Masteron is definitely on my list for the future. I want to lean out at some point in mid summer, so if I can hit a target bf then I’ll reward myself with a run of Mast.

Thank you for all the input and ideas. And no, none of your suggestions were “terrible, terrible idea(s)”. I appreciate you taking the time out to give me your thoughts.

Regardless of what you decide to use, run a log, I’m interested to see what gains are made. Check blood pressure periodically, it’s called the silent killer for a reason. Maybe run TUDCA with orals? it apparently helps mitigate some of the hepatotoxicity associated with c17-AA compounds

Excellent point about BP. No use in getting bigger and stronger if I’m going to drop over dead from a stroke.

Does adding primo to TRT can hurt libido? Why primo has negative effect on libido when it is a DHT derivative?

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Iron, are you still running deca @ 100mg a week just for the joint benefits and such? Or did you stop that a while back?

The problem is that you don’t know if your joints are becoming more healthy or if you are not in pain anymore but still doing damage.

Probably still doing the damage, but beats being in pain

Only data to indicate a potential healing effect… even then it’s contradicted is within the realm of rotator cuff injury… and said data is limited to rodent/animal models

Whaaat!? Wow, never would have guessed that. You seem extremely educated about some of this shit, like college degree type educated.

That was a while ago, and the benefits were great during and maybe four weeks after I was using the nandrolone. After that things slowly went back to normal.

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As for me, Primobolan depot is just a health & longevity AAS, a good addition to TRT, it could be used (and actually is, with great outcomes) to reduce testosterone’s long-term side effects and to optimize the therapy for more anabolic properties. Won’t waste any penny on this while on a serious bulking/cutting cycle.

It’s how nandrolone works regarding “deca’s joint relief dogma”. It raises cortisol at first (so inflammation is blunted a bit), then everything goes back to normal. Some studies, however, indicate that nandrolone promotes collagen synthesis, but I wouldn’t be fascinated about that. If an individual has any joint problems, getting to the source of the issue is the only solution.

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Say the ailment is related to BHJMS, nerve damage from prior surgery (nandrolone can’t fix this… nothing can), birth defect relating to a bony structural abnormality within my left deltoid

Gaining as much muscle mass (symmetrically, really don’t want muscular imbalance in my state) as possible helps regarding limiting joint pain as excess skeletal muscle helps regarding joint stability/overall level of pain felt daily

Current options are

  • opiate pain medication (again… which… no… fuck that)
  • repeated cortisone shots into my shoulder
  • deal with it
  • try something like nandrolone

So I opted for the final option

There is some data pertaining primarily to rodent/animal studies which stipulates nandrolone administration accelerates repair time relating to rotator cuff tears/ inhibits fatty infiltration… then again there’s another study implementing the administration of nandrolone to be detrimental to healing. There are numerous doctors who swear by the substance (though they may merely be attempting to justify “therapeutic benefit” for some extra cash)

One can’t fix excess mobility, physical therapy/muscle accrual can help… initially I’ve found the nandrolone does help, and I do like to exercise (a lot if possible) however there’s also the notion of AAS exacerbating pre-existing autonomic dysfunction of which is strongly correlated with both BHJMS and fibrmyalgia (one of which is probably neurologically mediated)… thus aside from the fear of long term cardiac/neurological ailment I keep dosages very low

As to a cortisol increase amoreliating joint pain, theoretically any anabolic steroid that shares a strong affinity regarding 11-HSD inhibition (so… halotestin) would initially lessen joint pain, but you don’t see guys on halo anecdotally reporting an initial reduction in pain. I’m legitimately curious here as you are more knowledgeable than I. Over time, all AAS induce a net decrease in cortisol (some… like dbol, far more than others). Rodent/animal models indicate nandrolone over time induces a net decrease in cortisol

Not sure about this, granted you’re more knowledgeable than me. In terms of blunting external sides (acne, water retention etc) this may be of benefit as an increase in BP (mediated by water retenton) would be deleterious within elderly
Men… however RAAS modification, aldosterone dysregulation etc may induce a more conductive environment for hypertension… thus is it relevant?

Furthermore nonaromatising compounds tend to put a greater strain on ones lipids as E2 is conductive for lipid metabolism, thus long term primo (if dosed high) may not be a great idea.

I agree with you regarding methenolone not being worth it for bulking up significantly. The price required to run a decent amount is absurd

Methenolone enanthate is available here, one can acquire legit product but it’s upwards of 130-150$ for 10ml, 100mg/ml… unless you’re a very rich man. If I was going to run a cycle I’d invest in a few vials of deca, besides the potential for adverse neurological sides (particularly involving serotonin and dopamine depletion… which… all AAS can induce dopamine dysregulation, deca deletes and test downregulates D receptors over time… not much better) and long term cardiac toxicity, ten weeks wouldn’t kill me… and it’d induce comparatively more accrual in lean mass than an equatable dosage of testosterone

That being said I’m not going to run a full out cycle as I have absolutely no incentive to do so. I apologise if my grammar is incoherent, I should be getting a newer… not fucked phone within the next month (arriving, insurance paid). My laptop furthermore also has a screwed up keyboard, unsure why but it’s not priority to hand it in for repairs.

This was a while ago, I’ve recently turned nineteen. Though I appreciate the compliment, thank you for the kind words.

Same here, 100 mgs a week Deca for joints and it’s awesome! Prescribed for 10 weeks on / 10 weeks off.

No, nandrolone reduces total T…mine go down about 100 (from 1000 to 900) when on a Deca cycle.

Based on method of hormonal interpretation nandrolone may be detected as elevated T, FT or E2

If you’re TT went down I’d hypothesise nandrolone suppressed SHBG quite a bit