Opinion on Creatine and Other Supps to Reach Goals?

Woman, 21 y/o here
For the past five months I’ve been consuming protein supps and I saw results that pleased me as it is the first time for me and the supps.
What I think should come next is take creatine and work carnitine, too.
What I want is to boost my strength, gains and performance (not so innovative I know-gain muscle reduce fat) so what do you think about that plan?
Should I pick another way or other supps to do the work? Do I need to include fat burners?

Creatine is a tried and true, effective and very well tested supplement. Not only is it very effective for most of the population, it is ridiculously cheap. No reason not to add it in my opinion.

Fat burners are a completely different story. An incredibly broad category, with varying levels of efficacy, product qualities and dosages. No-one “needs” a fat burner, and they aren’t going to be the difference between whether you do or dont burn fat. If your diet is good, you will lose fat, with or without fat burners. If your diet is bad, you wont lose fat, with or without fat burners.

I have taken them in the past, but don’t now and doubt I ever will again.


Got it! Thank you!!
That’s what most people say about fat burners so I think I won’t use it too…