Opinion from American T-Men

I served in Viet Nam with some Canadians who joined our Us Marine Corps your service and sacrifice was greatly appreciated thank you

Sorry Defex, but when you said “Fuck America,” to make any sense of your statements I needed to assume you had some sort of alternative in mind.

BTW, what exactly is “tyranist”? Is that a system that is somehow biased against tyrants? I believe the adjective for which you were searching was “tyrannical,” or, alternately, “tyrannic.”

Perhaps you could also clarify my confusion as to how the U.S.A., a democratic republic with a dual-sovereignty federalist system of government that supports private property rights could be classified as a “communist” government? Maybe they’ve changed some of the definitions in high-school civics since I was taking it 10 years ago.

I’m glad to see that you’re considering the concept of freedom, but it’s important to qualify what exactly the U.S. does preach. It does not preach unlimited freedom – that is anarchy. Freedom is necessarily limited by the rights of others, including their own freedom of self determination, their property rights, their freedom of expression, and other freedoms. Additionally, by placing ourselves in a system of government in which we’ve vested lawmaking power and enforcement power in elected officials, we’ve agreed to limit our freedoms to the extent that government passes laws that limit it, within the limited powers it was granted in our social compact, the U.S. Constitution.

You’re right – America is not perfect. It’s the worst country in the world, with the exception of all the other countries in the world. We can improve things, and we should always work to do so. However, just saying “Fuck America” doesn’t accomplish much, and basically leaves you looking juvenile and misinformed.

If you really want to do something, study the concept of freedom, learn how our government functions, and get involved and be a positive force for effecting change. I suggest starting by reading the Constitution, and then Federalist Papers, Common Sense by Thomas Paine, and The Road to Serfdom by Hayek.

Defex, we’re all ears. Lets hear what you have to say. Sounds to me that you have little to say to defend you position. Fuck the machine? You mean the one you are using for this form? 3-L nailed it. You are able to say what you want because you live in a democratic country. Millions around the world would like to be able to express themselves as you are doing here. Count your blessings my friend.

You must be a Rage Against The Machine fan. Fuck the machine? Why don’t you pack your bags and move to France I’m sure they would love to have you! Exactly whose freedom are we preventing anyway? Im so sick of people like you. I wish it were legal to hunt people like you and eliminate them from this planet! You know what would be great if the US Govt. enacted the draft again and your sorry ass had to go to war. You would probably flee the country like the coward that you are!!! God Bless The USA!!!

You must be a Rage Against The Machine fan.<

Actually, no. I listen to mainly punk. Figures right?

Exactly whose freedom are we preventing anyway?<
You’re so… ignorant.

Im so sick of people like you. I wish it were legal to hunt people like you and eliminate them from this planet!<


You know what would be great if the US Govt. enacted the draft again and your sorry ass had to go to war. You would probably flee the country like the coward that you are!!!<

Umm, I’m a coward because I dislike the government? Makes sense.

God Bless The USA!<

Who says god likes America? :wink:

WOW How did we get here from “I luv canadians” Anyway, all the anger is misplaced. Defex, if you don’t like our government, put the blame where it lies. We have a gov’t of fools and liars because we elect them. Next time you drive past a WAL-MART park in the lot, and just watch the people for a while. What do you see? Mostly a bunch of losers that can’t even be bothered to take care of their own bodies. Do you really think any of them have ever read a word of political philosophy? If you picked one at random, and asked them to address any current issue of importance, would you get a reasoned and coherent answer? Of course not. In a representative republic, the gov’t is a reflection of the people. It is not pretty. My solution is to opt out, make as much cash as possible as quickly as possible. Hide as much as possible, owe nothing, mind my own business, and leave them to their fates. I did 13 years in the Navy protecting these numb brained fucks, but now I wouldn’t piss in their faces to save them if their collective heads were on fire. BTW, has anyone else noticed that birth rates and IQ are inversely proportional? I think the dummies are outbreeding us.

Glad to see you liked my post. You are the one who is ignorant. I think you need to go and look up exactly what a communist government really is and also tyranny. Being as young as you are I can see that you are eaisly influenced. It figures you wouldn’t understand about the coward line. Let me expain it to you, since you hate the U.S. Govt. I’d be willing to bet that you wouldn’t fight for it. The other lines about hunting you down were sarcasim. I too can write dumb shit just like you did in your original post. You are entitled to your opinions even though they are wrong! It’s like I said, if this Govt is like you say it is than get out of it. We don’t want people like in our country! Go find another place where you can have the freedoms that you have here. I’ll bet you can’t find one!

i say thanks to our canadian brothers. i never had much respect for canada until ranger school. see im in the infantry and when i went to ranger school i was the only guy from my unit so i didnt know anyone. lucky for me a canadian was also assigned to my company at camp darby. cooper(the canadian) and i ended up being ranger buddies and we have been best friends ever since. after graduation he stayed with me a couple days and on my way to alaska last year i stayed at his place with him and his wife for 8 days. i visited his unit and met lots of other canadian soldiers. each and every one i met was nice and proud to be a soldier in canada. made me think about some of the people i know in the us army. canadas army may be small but it is filled with great soldiers who love their job. id gladly serve next to them anywhere anytime.


Huck, I’ve got an even better solution. How about I take over the country? I have everybody’s best interests in mind, I’m extremely smart and articulate, and I would do well if my authority were challenged in single combat. We could just cut the “dumbass” citizens out of the loop entirely.

Of course, I hope you like whatever tax rate I give you to support my lifestyle, and wouldn’t mind any military expeditions I might undertake and draft you along for. I would abolish most TV channels except those few that I enjoy and those that explicitly are pro-Redman. If you committed a crime you could expect harsh, nearly immediate punishment and I would intervene at will to decide whether you could skip the legal system and go right to execution or just be pardoned out-of-hand.

Yes, there would be some sacrifices, but so long as you played along, life would be good. I would outlaw discrimination for any reason, and the penalty would not be lengthy lawsuits but it would be immediate death. I would outlaw dumbasses. I would sextuple the size of the police force, and assign active military units to patrol problem areas like south LA and Detroit. However, if you found that you needed to voice your opinion too loudly in opposition to any of these measures, there’s always those camps in Alaska that would be building the canal from Juneau to Point Barrow. In fact, you could join Defex there, as I find his half-formed rantings painfully dumb, and he would be put to much better use digging through the permafrost with a spoon instead of typing away mindlessly on his parents’ computer.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? It would sure beat the hell out of letting the dumbasses rule.


I can honestly say, when I’m realy pissed off about some of the very real, very evil aspects of the U.S’s darker side, I’ll spout off things like fuck amerikuh, because I’m just reacting emotionaly to a narrow subset of the total picture that the U.S. is, and I feel so ineffectual at improving the situation.

I think if you channel your emotional outburts into well constructed critisisms of the machine, you will be more effectual, presumimg you actualy want to be effectual instead of just jerking off into empty space.

consider the nature of the powerful to abuse its power, always has been, every government or other system “machine” has had its own abuse of power, its evil only quantifyed by the relative magnitude of its power, and is an external manifestation of our own inner shadow nature, look at stalinism for example.

It is important to hold governments up to an ideal standard, and strive to make the ideal manifest, but no governemnt or “machine” in human history has ever acheved its ideal, its in the nature of man and systems to fall short to some degree.

we are the all singing, all dancing, crap of the world
Trinity get up… GET UP !!!
welcome my son… welcome… to… the machine…

I think you misunderstood my post. I am not anti-US, or anti-government, I am just disgusted at the way it is all turning out. I guess I am anti-our current gov’t. I would not want to live anywhere else, and I have seen a lot of the world, so I do have a basis for comparison. Our system is flawed, in that those who produce are slaves to those who do not. And I am serious in what I said, I opt out of every part of the gov’t, in any way possible. I do not contribute to Medicare, or Social Security. I receive no gov’t funds. I DO pay enourmous income taxes – over 9500.00 last year, even after all deductions. I view this as theft, and am always looking for ways to reduce it. If anyone is paying their own way, they have a right to bitch, and I am definately paying. I am not sure I understand your post. I do not advocate any sort of totalitarian rule, rather I am upset because we are drifting in that direction. I don’t want to tell others what to do, just as I do not wish to be told. As far as the dumbasses in this country, I meant every word of that. If you think I am wrong, just turn on the news. As for Deflex, just another kid, doing what kids have always done. No biggie.

Awww my post was meant entirely tongue-in-cheek (except for Defex, he should be sent to the gulag immediately). Anyway, yeah there are a lot of morons, but the point that I was trying to make was – what is the better alternative? I don’t think that anyone has come up with a better one (yet).

what is the better alternative? (coutry to be in)
This one, but fixed healed and repaired