Only One Sheet of Toilet Paper!

[quote]nephorm wrote:
Yet again: “One set of standards for us, the elite, and another set of standards for you commoners.”

I love how the apologists excuse Al Gore’s huge electric bill because it is the average amount of consumption for a “house of that size.” Breaking news, hypocrite: get a smaller house!

Do you really need 50 bedrooms? “I’m rich, so I need to fly private jets, own a mansion, and cut down ancient red woods to make custom blended TP for my aristocratic heiny.”[/quote]

I’m glad you mentioned this, Neph. Gore makes me want to puke with all his “you need to do this…” while he lives like fat hog. I guess he doesn’t know what to do with himself to feel important, since he’ll never be president.

How many sheets can we use for masturbation?

[quote]CELTIC-DEVIL wrote:
nephorm wrote:
Yet again: “One set of standards for us, the elite, and another set of standards for you commoners.”

I love how the apologists excuse Al Gore’s huge electric bill because it is the average amount of consumption for a “house of that size.” Breaking news, hypocrite: get a smaller house!

Do you really need 50 bedrooms? “I’m rich, so I need to fly private jets, own a mansion, and cut down ancient red woods to make custom blended TP for my aristocratic heiny.”

Just because Gore may be a hypocrite it doesn’t make him any less right…

Hypocrite he may be, but the danger of Global warming is real. 90%+ of the worlds scientists agree that it’s a huge threat and we will face extinction if we dont do something pretty freakin soon…

so, you guys wanna go ahead and disagree with pretty much every respected scientist on the face of the earth, be my guest. You wanna pretend Global warming is not happening, go ahead.

You wanna stake the fate of the planet on the 10% chance that all the worlds scientists MIGHT be wrong, then go ahead. But in about 20-30 years we’re gonna REALLY start to see the effects. MAss hunger, floods in some places drought in others, many millions dead, hundreds of millions displaced and it’ll get FAR worse than that, believe me…in the coming hundred years the world is gonna be a very different place.

Hmmmm, we’ve a lot to look forard to it seems. Ignore it now and it’ll be too late to act. There is a point which we will pass where things become absolutley irreversible and unavoidable.

As for Sheryl Crow, the thought of 1 square of toilet paper per dump seems a little ridiculous…but I appreciate her sentiment.[/quote]

Dude, it’s blown out of proportion. The earth has shifted climates for the last 6 billion years. We just so happen to be on a cusp of another one, and everone thinks it’s armegeddon. The earth cycles, always has, always will wheather or not we are here.

Oh, and yes, there are scientists that back up what I have said. Those are not my words.

[quote]escot4 wrote:
How many sheets can we use for masturbation?[/quote]

I usually only need 2 bed sheets to clean up. King sized of course.

[quote]kroby wrote:
Instead of taking our toilet paper away, why doesn’t she demand the government to go 100% electronic and stop paper copies from being made?

Zap Branigan wrote:
Great post. I am printing it out for my bulletin board.[/quote]

A tip of the hat to you for some great wit, Sir Branigan :slight_smile:

Her tour requirements include three tractor trailers, four buses, and six cars.

[quote]doogie wrote:
Her tour requirements include three tractor trailers, four buses, and six cars.

The Smoking Gun: Public Documents, Mug Shots [/quote]

And lots of booze!

[quote]doogie wrote:
Her tour requirements include three tractor trailers, four buses, and six cars.

The Smoking Gun: Public Documents, Mug Shots [/quote]

But we need to use one square of tissue to get the job done. Right.

[quote]CELTIC-DEVIL wrote:
Hypocrite he may be, but the danger of Global warming is real. 90%+ of the worlds scientists agree that it’s a huge threat and we will face extinction if we dont do something pretty freakin soon…[/quote]

WHAT? The past four volcanic eruptions have loosed more “greenhouse” gasses than all of human history.

It is happening. It has happened in the past. It was a lot warmer, globally, during the age(s) of the dinosaur. We will not become extinct with a warmer environment. Have you ever heard of adaptation? How about evolution? How about “environmental controls?”

[quote]You wanna stake the fate of the planet on the 10% chance that all the worlds scientists MIGHT be wrong, then go ahead. But in about 20-30 years we’re gonna REALLY start to see the effects. MAss hunger[/quote] this is happening now, throughout Africa, [quote]floods in some places drought in others, many millions dead, hundreds of millions displaced and it’ll get FAR worse than that, believe me…in the coming hundred years the world is gonna be a very different place. [/quote] No. This is happening now. In a hundred years, it will be common.

[quote]Hmmmm, we’ve a lot to look forard to it seems. Ignore it now and it’ll be too late to act. There is a point which we will pass where things become absolutley irreversible and unavoidable.


Irreversible? As the earth warms, the atmosphere will bear more vapor. With this increased humidity, the Sun will yet again increase the heat, elevating vapor levels. Hmmm, clouds will begin to blanket the atmosphere, thus blocking out the sun. Hmm, the earth will begin to cool, far past the point of no return and plunge the world into an Ice Age.

So it has been before our time, so it will be after.

This is one Scientists view, after years of study on the impact of evolution throughout geologic time. These facts are near irrefutable. My proofs are much stronger than your end of the world theory.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
According to Sheryl Crow, you should only use one piece of toilet paper after taking a dump. It apparently hurts the polar bears or seal pups if you wipe with more.

The amount of paper one needs is directly proportional to the quality of one’s diet. I’m a four square guy–generally. Except on Saturday morning after 6 pints of Guinness.

Global warming means that the world is industrialising. More production, more industry means more people have a chance to live.

The world is growing up and changing. Those are GOOD things.

Scratching the earth with a wooden plow or digging for roots in the forest is NOT nirvana.

God bless capitalism and God bless industry, the two great benefactors of humanity!

[quote]kroby wrote:
Hypocrite he may be, but the danger of Global warming is real. 90%+ of the worlds scientists agree that it’s a huge threat and we will face extinction if we dont do something pretty freakin soon…

WHAT? The past four volcanic eruptions have loosed more “greenhouse” gasses than all of human history.

so, you guys wanna go ahead and disagree with pretty much every respected scientist on the face of the earth, be my guest. You wanna pretend Global warming is not happening, go ahead.

It is happening. It has happened in the past. It was a lot warmer, globally, during the age(s) of the dinosaur. We will not become extinct with a warmer environment. Have you ever heard of adaptation? How about evolution? How about “environmental controls?”

You wanna stake the fate of the planet on the 10% chance that all the worlds scientists MIGHT be wrong, then go ahead. But in about 20-30 years we’re gonna REALLY start to see the effects. MAss hunger this is happening now, throughout Africa, floods in some places drought in others, many millions dead, hundreds of millions displaced and it’ll get FAR worse than that, believe me…in the coming hundred years the world is gonna be a very different place. No. This is happening now. In a hundred years, it will be common.

Hmmmm, we’ve a lot to look forard to it seems. Ignore it now and it’ll be too late to act. There is a point which we will pass where things become absolutley irreversible and unavoidable.

Irreversible? As the earth warms, the atmosphere will bear more vapor. With this increased humidity, the Sun will yet again increase the heat, elevating vapor levels. Hmmm, clouds will begin to blanket the atmosphere, thus blocking out the sun. Hmm, the earth will begin to cool, far past the point of no return and plunge the world into an Ice Age.

So it has been before our time, so it will be after.

This is one Scientists view, after years of study on the impact of evolution throughout geologic time. These facts are near irrefutable. My proofs are much stronger than your end of the world theory.[/quote]

I see me and Kroby read the same stuff.

I thought you T-Men were supposed to be tough. Why do you need any toilet paper when just urinating? Can’t you bang it against the rim to shake it off?

Paul Chek would agree with. Hell, he’d probably say you don’t need any at all.

I just got a text message from the Earth. It says ``wipe your ass people! Wipe it thoroughly. I’ll manage to survive. Thank you. – the Earth’’

[quote]CELTIC-DEVIL wrote:
One line of thinking about Global Warming.[/quote]

Check out this alternative view;


It always pays to have an open mind.
Not that I disagree with protecting our future, it is just when celebrities jump on the bandwagon and turn out to be the biggest users and abusers in society…


Toilet paper is repulsive. You’re just smearing around the poo when you wipe with it. Don’t kid yourself into thinking you’re getting clean. I’m glad that I live in a country where people wash their asses.

When faced with a toilet paper only facility wet the paper and apply a little soap if possible.You’re girlfriend/boyfriend will thank you.

WEll, pretty much every single RESPECTED scientist on the entire earth would disagree with the theories I am hearing. How can you say it’s blown out of proportion when almost every single scientist out there agrees that it is extremely serious and the world as we know it will change drastically if we dont act within the next 10-15 years. If your OK with that fact, then fine, but nobody should bury their head in the sand and pretend this doesnt exist…every single piece of scientific evidence points unequivocly to the opposite of what you have just said.

Yes, the world has undergone cooling and heating cycles.That much is true and any scientist accepts that. But the fact of the matter is, that naturally occurs over the course of tens of thousands of years (an accepted fact) We are going to do it in less than one hundred!!!

IT is true that there have been periods in history when carbon levels rise and fall…but the fact of the matter is, we have caused the carbon levels to reach many many MANY times higher than they would EVER reach naturally. The earth is getting hotter at an astounding rate. Almost EVERY single respected scientist agrees on this.

CArbon traps heat in the earth and will not let it escape…the earth quickly grows hotter and hotter causing even more carbon to build up. Pretty soon, the earth is thrown completely off it’s natural cycle…the damage becomes irreversible and the decline becomes unstoppable. The earth becomes hotter than it has EVER been. Millions die, hundreds of millions displaced. Drought, hunger, floods, storms, mass disease from the aftermath of disasters…to the guy who stated this is already happening. WEll, of course it is…I’m not denying it is. But that does not mean it cannot get significantly worse. How about severe drought in parts of the united states…it’s entirely possible and likely, according to the scientific evidence. Massive sections of Asia will flood for example and millions shall be displaced from those areas.

AS for industrialisation being a good thing. I agree, but there are ways to industrialise without destroying the planet. We are going about industrialiation in a VERY foolish manner.

Sound nice?? These are accepted facts by almost every single respected enviornmental scientist out there so dont make the mistake of choosing to believe otherwise just because it feels nicer to do so.

As for Al gore, I respect him a lot. Sure, he has some flaws…he has a big house and uses a lot of electricity…he’s overweight…blah blah blah. WEll nobodys perfect and perhaps he doesnt stick as rigidly to what he says as he should. But this man has dedicated much of his LIFE to this. He travles thousands of miles across the world to give talks on this massive danger regularly. (cynics are gonna chime in now and say he’s a hypocrite for taking the plane)

He also recently, together with Richard Branson, put in 25 MILLION dollars of their OWN MONEY into a prize fund for the first scientist to come up with a viable way of scrubbing carbon from the atmosphere…call that hypocrisy?

Seriously guys, dont bury your head in the sand. Your theory that this is a “natural cycle” of the earth does not have a shred of valid scientfic evidence behind it and pretty much not a single RESPECTED scientist on the face of the earth backs that theory. Again, why is this process happening thousands of times faster now than it would naturally?? I’ll tell you why, because we are causing it.

I would love to see what scientists you claim back up this theory of yours. I’ll point you to the recent intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change where all the top scientists in the world gathered to discuss this issue and agreed, to 90% certainty, exactly what I have just told you. YOu can point me to individual theories that you like the sound of, but the FACT IS, ALMOST ALL OF THE GREATEST MINDS IN THE WORLD ON THIS SUBJECT AGREE WHAT I HAVE JUST TOLD YOU.

I’ll also point you to the recent United Nations report, which paints a near-apocalyptic vision of the Earth’s future if temperatures continue to rise unabated: a billion people suffering SEVERE drought, extreme food shortages in Africa and elsewhere, a blighted landscape ravaged by fires and floods, and millions of species sentenced to extinction. Again, this is not an individual scientists theory…I am giving you facts accepted by the VAST and almost total majority of the greatest minds in the world on the subject.

EVen your own president accepts the scienctific conclusions of the IPCC report. This is the same president BUsh who vehimently denied Global Warming existed during his presidential campaign against gore, and cast Gore as some kind of enviornmental nut. There are numerous reports from the Pentagon on the reality of GLobal warming and dozens of reports from the EPA. am I hinting at a pattern here?

Sure, you can talk about your “alternate theories”, but there are crackpot “alternate theories” for everything. I am quite sure almost no respected scientists backed up those theories. Like I said, the fact of the matter is, the greatest minds on the world are 90% positive of this being a serious and impending problem that we are responsible for.

You wanna use that 10% figure to justify ignoring the problem, be my guest…but I for one dont wanna bet the fate of the planet on a 10% chance that the greatest minds on the earth MIGHT be wrong.

I hate to sound insulting, but everyday I see a level of ignorance and people burying their head in the sand which astounds me beyond comprehension, and I am seeing the same on this site. All you guys are showing me is individual theories, backed up by, at most, a handful of scientists.

I am showing you the facts, as accepted by the almost TOTAL MAJORITY of the most knowledgable scientists in the world on this issue. Look to the worlds biggest reports and conferences (eg IPCC, UN reports) on the issues and tell me I’m wrong. You cant. All you can say is, “well, it happened before, it’s natural”, and “look at this alternate theory, you are wrong man”.

WAtch one show on TV or one individual scientists report that presents an alternate view on TV and choose to believe it…ridiculous. There are alternate theories for everything guys, but jesus christ, the fact that you choose to ignore the INCREDIBLY OVERWHELMING body of scientific opinion shocks me…

Given the fact that the almost OVERWHELMING TOTAL body of scientific opinion agrees with what I have told you, do you choose to believe some individual theory about global warming that has no scientific merit behind it?

Pretty much every sceintist, government (including your own president), international body on the subject, enviornmental body, the UN, the Pentagon, the EU, the EPA agree that this is a MAJOR and man made problem (I could list many other bodies) So why do you ignore it and choose to believe some another individual scientists crackpot theory???

Face the reality…

[quote]cain wrote:
One line of thinking about Global Warming.

Check out this alternative view;


It always pays to have an open mind.
Not that I disagree with protecting our future, it is just when celebrities jump on the bandwagon and turn out to be the biggest users and abusers in society…


I watched the first documentary you posted on the TV when it was aired on TV.

I also witnessed pretty much every theory and fact it gave being torn to SHREDS by pretty much every single scientist who chose to comment on the subject.

As for the second article you posted. It’s like I said, there are always “alternate theories”, and scientists who will not agree that Global warming is man made or even a problem. But the fact remains, the almost TOTAL body of the scientific community, the Almost TOTAL body of scientific report and almost EVERY SINGLE body set up on the issue agrees that global warming is a serious, impending and man made problem which needs to be dealt with VERY soon or it will be too late.

I’m all for an open mind, but in the face of such MASSIVE and total evidence proving that this is a real problem it is tantamount to blatant ignorance to believe otherwise.

I have EVERY reason (scientific and otherwise) in the world to believe it’s real and almost no reason (other than a couple of individual “alternate theories”) to believe it is not real. So do you guys.

Dont bury your head in the sand and dont pretend it doesnt exist just because it makes you feel better to do so. What i have heard on this thread is not a case of “open minds”, it is a case of absolute willfull ignorance.

Again, the total body of science does not back that up. Many of the minds you are talking about also can accept that this is another natural cycle. Just because the government has people saying it is so, doesn’t mean it’s gospel. I thought you were smarter than that.

Are we making the cycle more viscious? Probably. Would a massive heating cylce happen even if we weren’t so industrial? Certainly. There have been numerous extictions over the planets life. That’s how this planet works. We will not be here forever. Just accept that and move on.