Once a Wk Injections - Effective?

Yea somewhere around that mid-high 1000s low 2000s depending on the metabolism issues as you said. At 250mg my peak was 1800s. On 150mg/week now on an EOD protocol my peak is just over 1,000 and hardly a trough about ~ 900 - nice steady levels, gains are good and no rollercoaster ride - will probbaly drop to 100mg in the near future.

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@mike12 @unreal24278 hey really appreciate you guys! Its crazy to me if my peak is really that high because I still don’t see the muscle mass/fullness…well as much as I would like.

Honestly I feel great but the high E symptom I do feel is slight ED and it doesn’t feel/stay as hard. Is that a Estrogen issue or a Test issue? I thought more test would equal harder longer erections.

Do you guys think I should lower my dose then? Would DIM come in handy here?

Not if your e2 is too high. Weak erections, going limp when not stimulated, taking FOREVER to orgasm.

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@anon10035199 ok so it is an high E issue. I don’t want to take AI so should I lower my dose? Maybe throw in some DIM?

You happen to be constipated?

Don’t mess with DIM or CDG until you have tried more natural methods. Broccoli/Brussel spourts, warm lemon water, I would even use zinc before DIM. Lose weight.

Am taking labs tomorrow alpha I hope my e2 came back up if not it must be the fiber supplement which made my constipation go away.
We shall see. I have a feeling it went up cause belly bloated for no reason. But joints still clicking.

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I’m not constipated. I’ll try Zinc 50mg? I’m not fat, 5’8 200lbs . No one’s answering if I should lower my dose or not…?

Get zinc picolinate, DIM is as natural as it gets in fact more natural than zinc since it’s a derivitive of broccoli plus it’s good for detoxing liver. If you want to run TRT then yeah lower your dose 300 is overkill and will only create problems. I would cut to 150 and give it 6 weeks let the body adjust before making any further assessments. There will be a rollercoaster ride for a few weeks so ride it out and don’t freak out due to dropping dose in half.

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@mike12 I instantly started cringing when I read lower the dose! Instead of 150 what about 250 or 200? Lol
I fear I won’t feel good anymore if I cut the dose. I just started feeling good again.

How bad of a rollercoaster ride will it be? What symptoms should I expect?

With the way our bodies work and the uniqueness from person to person, more doesn’t always mean it will be better.

300mg a week could be considered by some as a mini blast… And with other factors like a low shbg, a lower dose administered more frequently, you might find your free T is more in range causing E2 to lower naturally, feel better and are more stable overall. If you do make a change, stick it out for 4-6 weeks to see how you react. Just my 2 cents.


You need to change your mentality. More is not better. If you want long and harder erections you can try recreational Viagra.

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Appreciate your two cents. Yes I obviously got the more is better mentality. Changing it now. But I still feel going from 300mg to 150mg is too drastic too soon

It would be nice if you get labs at this dose. It would be good to track stuff for future reference.

Are you doing 1 injection a week?
If you are it won’t hurt doing 250 1 week then 200 then 150. But then it will be easier for you to keep make changes depending on how you feel 1 week. And you really should not.

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Yes I’m doing 1 injection a week so that’s why I’m really trying to pin down (pun) a dose where I can be on cruise control for a while

Are you fucking jacked?

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Lol not as jacked as I want to be but I have a decently stocky physique. Look massive with a pump but who doesn’t. Triceps and shoulders are lagging

What I’m trying to say is “could you lose some weight?”