On Deception and Lies


Really pretty nice, enlightening 15 minutes of information. I found it well worth my time and hope some of you ladies and gents might enjoy this.

I’m gonna have to just say that I wasn’t nearly impressed with this as you were. The ways people lie and the ability to catch them are as diverse as people themselves. Some people are simply better at either or both than others and any declaration of scientific research in developing criteria by which to claim this woman’s level of certitude is a gimmicky way of creating a market for yourself.

Those, ironically, who are easy to lie to will be in line to hear such a bland mixture of common sense and crapola. The one thing that’s true is that people do lie all the time. Good liars will get caught less than poor ones and people with an intuition geared toward detecting it will catch them more often than others. Experience and age will of course enhance both sides, but the idea that "here’s my scientific expertise that you too can learn if you give me money (or not)is elitist psychobabble. I’m sure my snickering disdain for modern psychology is not helping me see her in a more positive light.

People show you the same bullshit regardless of where they are from. I think you are overlooking something important.

Hmmm, she sez extroverts bullshit more than introverts, but that’s only because
introverts don’t talk as much so their talk/lie ratio is not as high, that does NOT
mean they are any less deceptive because they can be sneaky little bastards just the same.
Missy Meyer missed the variable on that one.

As far as babies and little kids, of COURSE they lie too,…others say “AWWW
she’s so cute, little baby Suzie is SO cute”, but I know better and I think,
“Bullshit man, that’s a viper in a diaper, keep an eye on her because you think
she’s cute NOW…just wait.”

An introvert is going to lie less because deception requires two people… Lying to ones self isn’t considered deception in her language. Extroverts are going to tend to be more skillful liars because of more interaction by default means you are going to have more instances of deceit, or you are going to have more deceptive acts as a whole.

This is purely logical… It of course doesn’t mean that the introvert may be more or less deceptive when compared proportionally to the extrovert. I think this is actually taken for granted, remember she is lecturing 15-20 minutes and talking about a broad subject, so what she covers is topical. I think what you say is absolutely correct, and I don’t think she would disagree with your statement.

The thing we should recognize is that, while we may all lie about different specifics, there are certain patterns of tells that we can pick up on in order to better pick up on deceit, regardless of where a person is from, their culture, status, etc… We are hardwired to be deceptive, the faster we get comfortable with this fact, the more open we are to recognizing the tools we already have, and using them for our own protection, maybe even our own ends, for all I know this could make folks better at being more convincing liars.

I just thought this was a good little realization. BTW I don’t speak for her, she doesn’t speak for me, and I don’t agree or like that she used her time to call the Bible a lie.

What about THIS guy? Dad of alleged victim of the alleged Sandy Hook incident.
watch his big smile before he goes to the microphone, then he begins on cue to
grieve?..watch it carefully, somethin’s ‘off’, REALLY off here, is he lying?
Not saying he’s the alleged shooter, I’m NOT certain what happened overall
that day.

Yeah, I hear ya Severiano, good points, I’ve seen this same kind of info
before in old books, It’s rehashed old info for the new generation,
or new info for the old generation because they’ve been working all their
lives and just missed it the first time around.

Another vid to examine…Reporters ask the CHIEF Medical Examiner what the kids were
wearing, then sez DISCONNECTEDLY, “Kids stuff”.

“Where were they shot?”, they ask him, he answers non-chalantly “all over”. What??
I know we’re trying to sensitive about the incident about details, but he brushes it off
Even as a Medical Examiner used to seeing death, he’s way too COLD IMHO and not one
iota of emotion seeps through…so, ‘matter of fact’, even a brief laughter there.
Is there deception here? IDK, this is tricky, we were force fed this thing for 3 entire

[quote]Karado wrote:
Hmmm, she sez extroverts bullshit more than introverts, but that’s only because
introverts don’t talk as much so their talk/lie ratio is not as high, that does NOT
mean they are any less deceptive because they can be sneaky little bastards just the same.
Missy Meyer missed the variable on that one.

As far as babies and little kids, of COURSE they lie too,…others say “AWWW
she’s so cute, little baby Suzie is SO cute”, but I know better and I think,
“Bullshit man, that’s a viper in a diaper, keep an eye on her because you think
she’s cute NOW…just wait.”

Yep, I think the point is to point out the obvious though. It’s the obvious stuff we always miss because we tend to try to look deeper. I think she did a good job. It brings back memories of the Casey Anthony case. All those signs she produced in spades, yet somehow came off as believable when everything she said was bullshit and everybody knew it. She fooled the shit out of that jury.

[quote]Karado wrote:
What about THIS guy? Dad of alleged victim of the alleged Sandy Hook incident.
watch his big smile before he goes to the microphone, then he begins on cue to
grieve?..watch it carefully, somethin’s ‘off’, REALLY off here, is he lying?
Not saying he’s the alleged shooter, I’m NOT certain what happened overall
that day.

From 00:22-00:35. That was, without a doubt, an actor getting into character.

I saw this live on CNN, and the smile, THEN the getting into the grieving character
act seemed fake and rehearsed, subconsciously I knew this was not right, but consciously I
didn’t WANT to criticize it because I, and the Country were already led into this solid concrete bunker
of “truth” the media had force fed us about this incident, and any criticism at the time
would be the proverbial “how DARE you”, or “BLASPHEMY” by those who were already sucked into it like
all of us were.
Again, IDK what happened, there are some wild theories out there, but I am just
looking at the available evidence on the surface here, because it’s all we have so far,
and it doesn’t take champion poker player to notice there are some seemingly solid “tells” here
at least from the father and the medical examiner.

[quote]Severiano wrote:<<< I don’t agree or like that she used her time to call the Bible a lie. [/quote]Honestly, that’s not what she said. She said that the bible reports the telling of lies, which it most assuredly does. I wasn’t trying to be a jackass and make you feel bad for starting this thread either. I have to be honest.
I will tell you this, though I have no way to prove it. Before I was a Christian? When I was a teenager. I would have conned this woman and her whole staff into believing pert near anything within reason I tried to. That cocky self assured “scientific” attitude of hers would have been a tailor made weapon put right into my hands.
I want that man dead. That old me who is a lying, conniving, manipulating, back stabbing low life. I do not lie. EVER. I won’t tell my boss’s bill collectors that he’s not there when they call if he is and I answer the phone. We got into it about that and I made it clear. I will not feed so much as a crumb to the old me that I am at war with in Christ.
Praise be to His holy name I couldn’t lie to a child without them knowing now, though I can read people a mile away. Usually. Unless I really WANT to believe them. Then I can get sloppy.
I’d eb happy to be a test subject. Very easy. You will never EVER catch me in a lie Madam because I will never EVER tell you one. I bet she’d say I was lyin anyway =]

[quote]Karado wrote:
…I am just looking at the available evidence on the surface here, because it’s all we have so far, and it doesn’t take champion poker player to notice there are some seemingly solid “tells” here at least from the father and the medical examiner.[/quote]