Older Larder Ass

I love the eat less move more plan. Its easy and everyone SHOULD be doing it, but looking around in this world, not so much. Good looking numbers on 5/3/1. I cant wait to get back to that.

I’ll race you to a 500DL, you’re a good bit ahead but hell that’ll just make it more fun. Plus I can curse you when I’m lifting as a bonus. :slight_smile:

Good lifting brother.

Nice work buddy. my left leg is having trouble firing it since I reinjured it in January. Stretching and unilateral work plus core work is helping me get less twisty when squatting. thought.

okay, sitting down thinking about my own training and my brain came to yours. I am finding sqatting to the box, when I am tight and do it right, is a lot less painful, on my bad knee, and is helping both legs fire correctly at the same time.

Not trying to redo your training, but have you seen lately how box squats feel? and don’t go super wide westside style, that is more if you are wearing briefs, take a stance somewhere in between. otherwise a)if you go to wide you can look at more knee issues plus groin issues and b) if you go too narrow it is too far to the box.

edit: plus box squats tend to drive up the dl quickly.

Hey pete,

I havent squatted from a box for about a year, since I switched from dave tates beginner program to 5/3/1. Box squatting really helped me learn to sit back on the squat, which was something I had some trouble with at first. I continue to squat more with my hammies than my kwadds, which is probably why I can still squat. it really takes the pressure off the knee.

Last time I tried moving something heavy on a box squat, I was about 75-100 lbs lighter on the box than free.

His Jimness doesn’t like box squats, but Ohio is a long way from Utah. I am deloading this coming week, and will start cycle 10 the following week. Since I lowered my working max on squats anyways, i’ll drop it a little more and squat from a parallel box for a cycle, see if that helps my various imbalance/not firing issues.

If nothing else, should get some extra hammie work by not bouncing out of the hole like usual.

and finally, since squats are just a deadlift accessory anyway, that last bit about box squats driving up your deadlift sealed the deal. Besides, this is a marathon, not a sprint. taking a cycle to try something new can only help.

thanks pete. if anything bad happens, I’ll blame you.

training note: I walked for 30 minutes on saturday, and was rewarded with an achy knee. I had not been wrapping the cartilage-less knee for walking, so I will do that next time. wrapping it real tight just below the kneecap helps keep some space between the bones and makes walking and hiking more tolerable.

I am a real dumbass for not wrapping it in the first place. I mean, i have been wrapping that knee for hikes and stuff since 1981 when I tore it up. I wonder why I thought I didn’t have to wrap it for this?

sometimes my own idiocy actually impresses me.

[quote]mjnewland wrote:
training note: I walked for 30 minutes on saturday, and was rewarded with an achy knee. I had not been wrapping the cartilage-less knee for walking, so I will do that next time. wrapping it real tight just below the kneecap helps keep some space between the bones and makes walking and hiking more tolerable.

I am a real dumbass for not wrapping it in the first place. I mean, i have been wrapping that knee for hikes and stuff since 1981 when I tore it up. I wonder why I thought I didn’t have to wrap it for this?

sometimes my own idiocy actually impresses me.[/quote]

LOL! I do the same thing sometimes… “hmmm… my ankle hurt the last time I played basketball with my sons in 1996 from when I broke it and tore the ligaments… I wonder if it will still bother me in 2010 being 15 years older and 40 pounds heavier… hell, lets play again and just see…”

I just say I am experimenting to the wife.

good work over here by the way…

Idiocy no. Stubbornness yes. The inability to admit we’re not 18. I do the same thing.

I think there are injections for those kind of knee problems now. The material injected does the same job as the knees natural lubricate/cushion. Its call synvisc I think.

[quote]ecogenx wrote:
Idiocy no. Stubbornness yes. The inability to admit we’re not 18. I do the same thing.

I think there are injections for those kind of knee problems now. The material injected does the same job as the knees natural lubricate/cushion. Its call synvisc I think.[/quote]

i asked the doc about that stuff, and he said he didn’t think it would work for me.

they are doing some work at the Mayo clinic where they take some cells from your damaged tissue, grow you some new shit in the lab, and install the finished product. Here is the video, it’s 18 minutes long, but awfully interesting.


hopefully they will be able to do this with my knee cartilage in the next few years. they did it with an ear, which is mostly cartilage, so why not.

I told the doc “cut a piece from an old tire and put that shit in there”, to which dr Heiden said “there might be a problem with rejecting the tire”.

“Rejecting the tire,” thats classic…

[quote]mjnewland wrote:
I told the doc “cut a piece from an old tire and put that shit in there”, to which dr Heiden said “there might be a problem with rejecting the tire”.[/quote]

Well if you’ll take the word of a doctor with such questionable qualifications :slight_smile: I’d love to shake the docs hand some day, hope you get to try that procedure when they get it figured out.

5/12/10 5/3/1 weighted dips(deload) cycle 9

deloaded. left.

its weird, I always expect to feel energized and strong with the lighter workout, but I’m always disappointed. I feel run down and old. at least it was fast.

5/13/10 5/3/1 deadlift(deload) cycle 9

5x8x235 deadlift
5x11 incline situps
2x8x235 shrugs

didn’t feel as heavy as yesterday, but i felt tired, couldn’t catch my breath, took me an hour with the warm up. Added back TKEs to see if I can activate the vastus medialis on the bad knee side. i think it worked, or at least helped.

rest Harder,
old lardass

I always feel like deload weeks lifts feel very heavy. Nothing for it but to do it.

[quote]mjnewland wrote:
5/12/10 5/3/1 weighted dips(deload) cycle 9

deloaded. left.

its weird, I always expect to feel energized and strong with the lighter workout, but I’m always disappointed. I feel run down and old. at least it was fast.[/quote]

Maybe because it feels like a lunch bag let down and mentally you’re just not geared up for it. It’s hard to yell and hit your chest for a deload. Have more sex your deload week. Just an idea.

Great deload! Naw, just doesn’t have the right feel to it. Awesome deload dude! TKE ??? knee extensions?

Deload sitting on the couch with remote in one hand and a drink in the other. No shortness of breath or knee pain.

what Eco says.

what O_b_s says.

[quote]ecogenx wrote:
Idiocy no. Stubbornness yes. The inability to admit we’re not 18. I do the same thing.


What? We’re not 18!!! I didn’t get that memo!!! :slight_smile: