Old Forearm Injury Causing Problems

When I was 15 I broke my left forearm really badly to the extent they didn’t know if I would be able to use it again. I had an operation where they had to put metal plates and pins inside my arm which is not removable, I remember when I finally had my cast off I couldn’t even lift a pencil without my arm shaking like a leaf due to them having to cut through my arm or whatever they did.
For training I always knew this would be a problem it is still a lot weaker than my right arm and it shows in size too.

My problem lately is I’m training harder and better and anything that I use this arm for causes stiffness and aching pain, I can’t move the arm around properly enough to do a barbell curl and any direct forearm flexors/extensors work seems to be out of the question, I do however feel I get a fair bit of work out of it through my other lifts due to the need of the grip.
I just wondered if with the arm being in the state it is whether it is worth the risk of training it?

I want to train it and probably wont stop training but I don’t want to damage it anymore than it already is, I suspect the metal plate and pins inside the arm are causing a problem with the way the muscle is growing and possibly the increase in bone density could be causing problems?? Anyway please give me some advice on this asap, especially as I’m about to go workout now :slight_smile:

ask a doctor what you can do about it.

You have no idea what they did in the first place, it sounds like. If it hurts, stop, and consult a physician. Never bad advice, even if most times not followed.

I have talked to my doctor before about it and he said it was fine to continue… But I’m not sure - doctors make mistakes after all.
I feel like you guys know more to be honest my doctor sure can’t name all the muscles in my body.

Find a different doc, maybe one who works with strength athletes.

Yeah that’s a good idea ninja, thanks for the advice guys!
I’ve made another appointment with my doctor for Monday lets hope he re-thinks.
If not I’ll go with a better doc.

I have problems with my grip due to breaking the thumb bone and the small finger bone in my right hand (both out of place)

I find my grip starts to loosen if I push for too many reps…

Sounds like you got tendonitis (i have it a bit at the moment) but its worse because of your past injury.

If it is then its rest and some anti-flammatorys.

Make sure your doctor reads up and explains what they did with your arm when you were younger… The first time round he/she may not have bothered (it does happen)

[quote]mt006 wrote:
I have problems with my grip due to breaking the thumb bone and the small finger bone in my right hand (both out of place)

I find my grip starts to loosen if I push for too many reps…

Sounds like you got tendonitis (i have it a bit at the moment) but its worse because of your past injury.

If it is then its rest and some anti-flammatorys.

Make sure your doctor reads up and explains what they did with your arm when you were younger… The first time round he/she may not have bothered (it does happen)[/quote]

I’ll ask him if he thinks it could be tendonitis… Thanks man!