OK, Let's Lift! And 1 and 2 and 1 and 2

Your primary concerns now will be minimizing inflammation and scar tissue buildup. I’d go see a chiropractor who offers not only chiro, but also massage with active release therapy, cupping, and ultrasound. I go to a village chiropractic / medical massage by prescription. It’d be a little bit of a drive for you, but they could work wonders for you. They could also do either a cortisone or toridol injection to squash that initial inflammation.

Another option would be a platelet rich plasma injection or stem cell therapy. Both will greatly aid in regeneration, but are much more expensive Than the treatments above. My lifting partner owns both practices. Let me know and I can talk to him about what he thinks the best approach would be. Heal up soon Flip

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Post a picture of the bruising

Out of curiosity, how does a chiro help out with a pec tear outside of the ART and cupping you mentioned? I’m currently studying physical therapy, so I’m led to believe that this is a muscoloskeletal issue and that spinal alingment is not the problem.

PS Sorry, I know that sounded extremely closed off, but, truth is, I am genuinely curious about the type of treatment modalities a chiro might use with such an injury.

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A good chiro has expanded their services these days. The various tissue treatments is what will help a muscle injury.

When you suffer an injury the body just starts throwing down new tissue in all directions to repair the site. In the remodeling phase it’s supposed to strip away the excess and kind of shave everything down to normal size, and everything that’s left is going the same direction.

Muscle fibers typically run parallel to each other. If the body fails to remodel correctly then you’ll have knots of tissue that are going multiple directions. I think this is scar tissue in muscle injuries.

Having someone work on the muscle during recovery can aid in proper and thorough healing.

My dad strained his hamstring several years ago. He ignored it and has had problems constantly. He finally took my advice to go see my chiro and the Doc has been working on a knot at the injury site.

He’s loosened that spot up and after about two months of weekly sessions my dad can do things he hasn’t done in years without pain.

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Your right. I don’t believe that spinal manipulation would do anything. Therapists at a medical massage place will be more likely to be well versed in things like ART, cupping, ultrasound. The chirp office if they are more of a physical medicine place can offer treatments like cold laser, platelet rich plasma, and stem cell therapy. They can also do trigger point injections like torosol that can help for the short term.

My experiences going to an ortho are to get an mri, and then I get handed a paper with three PT exercises to do. When you think it’s going to be a non surgical recovery I’d much prefer a chirp office or a PT specializing in sports injuries.


Gotcha, so see I chiro because they’ve got a diverse skill set. Makes sense

Those were my thoughts also, I was just curious as to why you chose chiros over PT’s.

The choice makes sense though, especially if Chiros in the states have access to plasma injections and stem cells - to my knowledge, those treatments aren’t available through chiropractors here in Australia.

They have to be a practice that bulls under medical rather than chiro. In order to do so they have to contract with an MD and have an NP on staff. Some other hoops to jump through as well. Allows for a broader spectrum of services and medical reimbursements are way higher than chiro so they make more money too.

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Hey @flipcollar how’s your pec? Any game plan for the comeback?

yea man. planning on doing Texas Strongest Man in October. Rehab is going well, feels great. No surgery.

The events for Texas Strongest were announced last week, and they are perfect for me. It’s a very static show, I love all events.


Had you already purchased your plane ticket to Australia prior to the tear?

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Glad to hear you won’t need to go under the knife. That’s a big plus. Hope you kick ass in the event!

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nope! was planning on doing it that night!


Haha wow that’s a pretty close call.

Hey man, good to see you posting again. Figured I’d drop in here instead of go off-topic in another thread. Hows’ the recovery from that tear going?

hey just saw this. Recovery is going well. This week was my first pressing session without limitation. Still not at full strength, and not pushing heavy weights for low reps, but things are pretty good overall. I was squatting 315 for sets of 10 last week, deadlifted in the 500’s, and carried a 250 lbs sandbag about 80 feet in a medley with a sled pull. Bodyweight is in the high 190’s right now. I’m so ready to get back into really training hard again.


Great news flip and good to see you back posting.

Any particular reason your avatar pic is gone? Have you gone incognito?

kinda sorta. personal reasons.

I just found it odd. Your pic makes you an instant authority on just about any topic!

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