Ogre's Log 3.0

BB curl (RP) 95 x 16
Hammer curl (RP) 50s x 12
Forearm curl (RP) 95 x 19
Calf raises (RP) 315 x 25
ATG front squat (RP) 135 x 18
Goblet squat 50 x 20

First time to front squat in a while. I am going to stick with it and try to get it up. I tried with a cross hand grip and with straps. My conclusion is that I need to make myself hold the bar in a proper rack position or I need to go back to regular squats. It is a work in progress. Took a few days off for a baseball trip and a beach trip, but I am back at it now. I am liking the results so far on DC. I was the biggest guy on my part of the beach this week.

Incline BP (RP) 235 x 11
Wide grip Upright Row (RP) 115 x 15
Paused shrug (RP) 185 x 22
Standing tri ext (RP) 95 x 22
Pull ups x 17
Plate raises 25 x 15

I dropped down in reps/weight on some stuff. I hope it is due to my layoff.

Easing into this cardio/conditioning thing because I need to drop some body fat. Probably like 10-15 pounds worth.
1 min max reps sit ups
1 min rest
1 min max rep swings with a 25 pound plate
My goal is to add another set of each every time I do it.

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I’m impressed. Mostly because I deeply despise HIIT stuff… even though it works like a hot damn.

BB curl (RP) 95 x 16
Forearm curl (RP) 95 x 22
Hammer curl (RP) 50s x 18
Seated calf raises (SS) two 45 pound plates, one wife and one daughter - 15, 15, 18
Front squat (RP) 135 x 18
Goblet squat 50 x 20

I’m using straps on front squats and sticking with that because CT says so.

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Incline BP (RP) 235 x 12
Wide grip upright row (RP) 135 x 15
BB tricep ext (RP) 100 x 25
Paused shrug (RP) 185 x 25
Pull ups (RP) 16

Conditioning: Cutting firewood in Alabama in late July.

Cutting firewood in late July in Alabama is beast conditioning.

For some reason, running a chain saw always kicks my tail. I felt like I had the crap kicked out of me.

BB Curl (RP) 95 x 18
Concentration curl (SS) 3 x 8 w 25s
Hammer curl (Drop set-ish) 8 reps w 50s and 8 reps with 25s
Forearm curl (RP) 95 x 22
Calf raises (RP) 315 x 27
Front squat w straps (RP) 155 x 15
Step ups w bodyweight 20 reps

My lady has started lifting with me. She did:
BB clean, front squat and press w bar 3 x 6
Hammer curl 2 x 12 w 5s
Curl and press 3 x 10 w 10
Step ups 3 x 10
Calf raises 2 x 20

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Sets of 15 for front squats? Are you some kind of masochist?

Nah. Just one rest-pause set.


Ogre, can you tell me why you’re using straps on your front squats? I’m trying to learn to front squat now and that has me wondering what you’re up to.

I am taking up front squatting because I can’t seem to get low enough on back squats anymore. With front squats, I can go ATG with no problems. My past use of the FS has been with a cross handed grip. It was the weak link in the lift and I would have to dump the bar before my legs were finished. The straps allow me to maintain proper form for more reps. I will see how that plays out when there is more weight on the bar. If this doesn’t work out, I may just drop legs all together and add an additional arms day.

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Gotcha. I’m learning to FS and so far they are easier for me to keep my low back in a neutral position. My low back is really flexible and my abs are relatively weak and so I have avoided heavy squats for a long time. I’m baby stepping my way into them and kinda futzing around with how to position my fingers now. Not using a cross handed grip, but that’s really interesting.

Hey CT’s front squat video is on the Tnation facebook page on the right side of the main page. It’s like the 2nd or 3rd video on the first page.

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Incline BP (RP) 235 x 14
Incline flys (SS) 25s x 20
BB Tri Ext standing (RP) 105 x 20
DB Tri Ext (SS) 25 x 20
DB lateral raises (RP) 25s x 24
Paused shrug (RP) 205 x 22
Pull ups (RP) bodyweight + 10 pounds x 11
Plate raises (SS) 25 x 30

The Mrs. took the night off. Something about getting the kids stuff together for the first day of school or some such. Excuses, excuses…

I was aiming for 11 to 15 reps on the RP sets. I am raising the reps to more than 20 before I add weight. I am also starting to do more widow maker sets on the middle training day for the stuff that I am only doing once for the week. I am excited about adding weight to my pull ups, even if it is only 10 pounds right now. Not too awfully long ago 3 pull ups with body weight was an accomplishment for me. I moved through this fast even with the added widow maker sets. I finished the whole thing in under an hour.

BB curl (RP) 95 x 20
Concentration curl (SS) 3 x 8 w 25
Hammer curl slow negatives (SS) 4 reps w 50s
Forearm curl (RP) 105 x 19
Calf raises on stairs w 5 second pause at top and 10 second stretch at bottom each leg x 8 w 50
Front squat w straps (RP) 155 x 19
RDL w DB (SS) 3 x 8 w 50s

I have had some hip pain for a while now and I think that the problem may be hindering my squat mobility as well. My posture has always sucked too. I am going to start doing this daily and see how it goes. Posting it here so I don’t lose it:

I won’t bore you with the details but my shoe has jacked up my right and was causing it to hurt, and my deadlift ( which is nothing remarkable anyway) went to shit. Have you tried barefooted? Or different shoes? To see if that might be causing the hip pain.

Pretty sure mine is sciatica. I lift in tennis shoes, flip-flops, hiking boots and barefooted. Lifting doesn’t bother me. Sitting or standing in one place for prolonged periods does.