Ocean Weight Loss!

[quote]Contrl wrote:
Gee golly whizz, there Champ. That’s a radical discovery but I’ve been spending entirely too much time in the ocean for years now and that’s never happened to me. Plus heck, if you’re so excited about 1 miserable pound of weight lost, you might as well go shit, puke, and cut an arm off or two. That’s at least 20lb![/quote]

Your right i’m not impressed with the scale weight and i stated that. I did notice a difference in the mirror though which doesn’t mean much as i put on an easy 7 pounds of weight some days just from eating. No i’m not exited, but hey i’ll lose a pound of fat and water for basically doing nothing.

Why don’t you try it in cold water at night in just your swim shorts. Sit still, apart from your shivering of course. This is unless you live in a hot country well that might not be effective.

Its just an idea and an experiment not a big deal. Have your fun.

you can also wrap yourself in garbage bags, put on a snowsuit and go for a bikeride and youll lose weight, doesnt mean its healthy

This sounded interesting so I tried it, but without the salt. I spent an hour submerged in cold water in my tub, running additional cold water every 20 minutes to make sure the temperature stayed low. I went in weighing 204.0 lbs and came out weighing 204.6 lbs. So all in all, I gained .6 lbs, but it was probably all water. I’ll have to try it with salt next time.

As for the experience, I was shivering pretty badly at first, but I got used to it. I didn’t stop shivering entirely though even all the way up to the hour mark. Once I got out of the tub I really began shivering hard and that didn’t subside for 20 minutes.

All in all, it wasn’t a bad way to lose .5-1 lb (assuming I did lose weight). Especially with my portable DVD player and a copy of “Space Balls” to keep me occupied.