Obama's Racialism

A reporter finally decided to read (!) “Dreams from my Father”:

[quote]… it seems right to mention that the Barack Obama who appears in Dreams, and, one presumes, in his own continuing interior life, is not a comforting multiracial or post-racial figure like Tiger Woods or Derek Jeter who prefers to be looked at through a kaleidoscope.

Though there are many structural parallels between Dreams and Invisible Man, Obama believes in the old-fashioned, unabashedly romantic, and, in the end, quite weird idea of racial authenticity that Ellison rejected.

He embraces his racial identity despite his mixed parentage through a kind of Kierkegaardian leap into blackness, through which he hopes to become a whole, untroubled person.[/quote]

Not quite the candidate for a post-racial America, is he, or should we just give up on the idea of a post-racial America?

Ouch. I could ask an exit hypothetical question about the double standard applied to white racialists, but I won’t.

I just found this in the comments:

[quote]Miande, I read Invisible Man and agree with Mr. Samuels’s take. No, he ultimately doesn’t feel comfortable with radical politics, most likely because he feels a profound disconnect with his radical fellow travelers, including a white woman who

projected on him a feral sexuality for being black. And these were whites who were supposed to be the most sympatico. With friends like those…[/quote]

Sarah Bernhard, call your office.

Did you really start a thread about the parallels of an Obama book with Ellison’s Invisible Man? What do you hope to accomplish?

I’d guess there are fewer than 10 people on this board that’ve read Ellison. Hell, it’s been almost a decade since I picked up that book.

What is your point?

Here’s a pretty good piece proposing that Obama likely used a ghost writer for “Dreams Of My Father”, and wait until you hear who the ghost writer supposedly is:

[quote]beeglee wrote:
Here’s a pretty good piece proposing that Obama likely used a ghost writer for “Dreams Of My Father”, and wait until you hear who the ghost writer supposedly is:


Ayers? Wouldn’t surprise me. Pretty interesting. Most writers have a definite “paper trail” and a distinct evolution in their writing as they develop a style. Where’s Obama’s?

[quote]beeglee wrote:
Here’s a pretty good piece proposing that Obama likely used a ghost writer for “Dreams Of My Father”, and wait until you hear who the ghost writer supposedly is:


Wow. That article is so, so good. The comments are insightful as well.

So now this election has devolved into a mud-slinging fest on Obama’s personal life? Listen, either you can or you can’t beat him on the issues. Simple as that.

Mud-slinging when Ayers is involved is perfectly acceptable.

[quote]Dabba wrote:
So now this election has devolved into a mud-slinging fest on Obama’s personal life? Listen, either you can or you can’t beat him on the issues. Simple as that. [/quote]

I think racialism is a valid issue, especially if the candidate has written (or had it ghost-written) extensively about it. I think Obama-worshippers have an image of him in their heads as someone who will bring racial unity to the

Force, rather than the guy he actually is (who quite possibly hates white people - listen to his “typical white person” rhetoric about the grandmother who provided for him).

Of course, the “Obama” of the liberal imagination is just there to fulfill a psychological need, so any de-bunking of the mythology surrounding him will only serve to re-inforce that mythology to those who need it.

I beginning to think the Obamessiah is one in whom there is much guile.

And I’m starting to think that there are many more conservative conspiracy theorists out there than ever before.

[quote]PRCalDude wrote:
Dabba wrote:
So now this election has devolved into a mud-slinging fest on Obama’s personal life? Listen, either you can or you can’t beat him on the issues. Simple as that.

I think racialism is a valid issue, especially if the candidate has written (or had it ghost-written) extensively about it. I think Obama-worshippers have an image of him in their heads as someone who will bring racial unity to the

Force, rather than the guy he actually is (who quite possibly hates white people - listen to his “typical white person” rhetoric about the grandmother who provided for him).

Of course, the “Obama” of the liberal imagination is just there to fulfill a psychological need, so any de-bunking of the mythology surrounding him will only serve to re-inforce that mythology to those who need it.

I beginning to think the Obamessiah is one in whom there is much guile. [/quote]

This post is in line with the lowest posters on this form. He “hates whites,” huh? Good luck with that. Have you even read Ellison’s book? Keep slinging your appeals to bigotry, it let’s us see just who you are.

[quote]PRCalDude wrote:
Dabba wrote:
So now this election has devolved into a mud-slinging fest on Obama’s personal life? Listen, either you can or you can’t beat him on the issues. Simple as that.

I think racialism is a valid issue, especially if the candidate has written (or had it ghost-written) extensively about it. I think Obama-worshippers have an image of him in their heads as someone who will bring racial unity to the

Force, rather than the guy he actually is (who quite possibly hates white people - listen to his “typical white person” rhetoric about the grandmother who provided for him).

Of course, the “Obama” of the liberal imagination is just there to fulfill a psychological need, so any de-bunking of the mythology surrounding him will only serve to re-inforce that mythology to those who need it.

I beginning to think the Obamessiah is one in whom there is much guile. [/quote]



Wow. Just wow. I’m so tired of all this bullshit. I’ve read Ellison too, by the way.

All you fucks should just come out and say what you really think: He’s a manipulateive socialist nigger with a Muslim name who hates white people and doesn’t support America. Say it. One of you come clean.

What pisses me off is that I’m no fool. I know that alot of people arguing against him here would not vote for any black man for president, and throw the n-bomb around in their everyday lives like it’s nothing. I know that this bullshit would not come up with a white guy running for president who said the same thing.

Now, we have people at rallies screaming, “Terrorist” and “Kill him”. About a presidential fucking candidate.

To be honest, this entire election has made me ashamed of this country, ashamed of Americans, and ashamed of our “leaders”.

I thought we were making progress… not reverting back to the racist shitbox we used to be.

What a fucking shame.

And specifically, I’m disgusted about that fucking cunt pig who’s doing the attacking. This bitch is the worst thing for America that I’ve ever seen, and the fact that shit like screaming these threats and slurs at presidential rallies speaks volumes about her character and the character of the piece of shit scum who support her.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
PRCalDude wrote:
Dabba wrote:
So now this election has devolved into a mud-slinging fest on Obama’s personal life? Listen, either you can or you can’t beat him on the issues. Simple as that.

I think racialism is a valid issue, especially if the candidate has written (or had it ghost-written) extensively about it. I think Obama-worshippers have an image of him in their heads as someone who will bring racial unity to the

Force, rather than the guy he actually is (who quite possibly hates white people - listen to his “typical white person” rhetoric about the grandmother who provided for him).

Of course, the “Obama” of the liberal imagination is just there to fulfill a psychological need, so any de-bunking of the mythology surrounding him will only serve to re-inforce that mythology to those who need it.

I beginning to think the Obamessiah is one in whom there is much guile.



Wow. Just wow. I’m so tired of all this bullshit. I’ve read Ellison too, by the way.

All you fucks should just come out and say what you really think: He’s a manipulateive socialist nigger with a Muslim name who hates white people and doesn’t support America. Say it. One of you come clean.

What pisses me off is that I’m no fool. I know that alot of people arguing against him here would not vote for any black man for president, and throw the n-bomb around in their everyday lives like it’s nothing. I know that this bullshit would not come up with a white guy running for president who said the same thing.


Yeah, I got my opposition orders from my last KKK rally (we had a BBQ and did some line dancing, was a fun time). Ooooh boy…

Raaaaaacist. You and Sarah Bernard would make a great couple.

Obama does not hate whites, nor does he support racism.


I have a hard time believing the number of votes Obama GETS BECAUSE he’s black will be insignificant compared to the number he LOSES because he’s black.

The fact that he’d be the first black president adds HUGE amounts of weight to his whole ‘I’m different, this is a change from politics as usual’ stump that he’s built his campaign on.

To be honest, I’ve seen certain racial stereotypes – perhaps even prejudices – of mine play out in how I react to diffent people and situations – as they pertain to my expectations in particular. I believe they’re based on experiences I’ve had in the cities I’ve lived and the people I’ve worked for or managed, etc.

Therefore, I admittedly have a biased viewpoint (so does everyone else in some regard). HOWEVER – I (and I believe most other ‘biased’ people) judge the INDIVIDUAL – based on the merits of his/her character and accomplishments.

If Thomas Sowell ran from president I’d find a way to register as 20 different people in every battleground state to help get him elected.

Since McAmnesty has already conceded the loss, is it to late to make a Palin/Sowell ticket? Of course, Alan Keyes’ presidential run never went anywhere, so I don’t see how a Sowell presidency would. It violates too much of the liberal clergy’s position as the Guardians of Oppressed Minorities(blacks, hispanics, women), so the media would probably be portraying him as an Uncle Tom.

This whole thing frustrates the shit out of me.

I’ve gotten text messages from people with pictures of Obama holding a sign saying, “I sure loves campaignin’” while “moving on up” plays in the background.

I’ve heard people say, “I won’t vote for a nigger” or “Blacks shouldn’t be president,” and then it normally goes into some viciously racist diatribe.

Many times, it’s said by people who listen to rap and emulate blacks in their style.

I’ve heard, “Oh you can’t trust a guy with the name Barack Obama”, or “I can’t vote for him because he’s muslim.”

And it’s too many of them to just hope that they fall in wells or have heart attacks on the way to the voting booth.

As much shit as I give people here, I respect them because most people hate his proposed economic policies or his stances on issues. That’s fine. But the fact that so many people are not going to vote for him because of the way his name sounds or because he’s black infuriates the shit out of me.

“…I have a hard time believing the number of votes Obama GETS BECAUSE he’s black will be insignificant compared to the number he LOSES because he’s black…”


We would probably agree that this one is hard to prove…but I believe just the opposite. In other words, there is a much greater number who will vote against him because he is black.

Something else to consider for those whom feel that there is a “Tit-for-Tat” in all this. I don’t think that there is NEARLY as significant an “anti-McCain” vote as there is an “anti-Obama” vote.

A lot of the “Kool-Aide” drinking that a lot of people bring up when discussing the Pro-Obama voters is actually FOR Obama…not AGAINST McCain…

There is a difference.
