nutrition blows

Ok, I absolutey agree with you now that you clarified your position. That is one of the reasons I put together my own home GYM. My intensity either comes out alone or with just a few people who are really into it. I have yet to work in a huge GYM full of people that are training seriously. I’ve seen pictures of them here and there like the US Oly team’s GYM and a couple of pro football GYMs and they look like a dream come true. Everyone in there knows what they are doing and they encourage each other. They also eat more for strength which I wouldn’t call bad but it isn’t the same as most of T-Nation, it’s eating big and not so afraid of P+F+C combos. Yeah now I get where you are coming from… I want a GYM like that of my own one day. I’ve been known to drop training partners because they missed one workout. You got to get real intense and serious about the strength game if you really want to get strong and big for that matter.

Theres tons of kids that have awsome genetics. I know a kid that takes 6 month breaks from training. Trains for 2 monthes, has no clue what hes doing and has a body very similar to CT. O yea, his diet is a jar of jiff peanut butter and a loaf of white bread, and he probably smokes his bodyweight in pot daily.