Nutrition at Work/Uni

Hey all, kinda a noob question i guess but can anyone here help me out with suggestions of food other than some sort of meat in some form of bread thats simple to make to take to places like work or uni.

Im sure im missing something obvious here but sometimes u need a nudge in the right direction i guess… any help will be greatly appricated, thanx.

I usually make some kind of omelette in the morning, which only takes about 10 minutes. 2 suggestions:

  • Eggs, tuna, mushrooms, onions, cheese
  • Eggs, cottage cheese, oatmeal, apple, raisins, almonds

If you access to a microwave oven, read the “freezing meals” thread. It may help give you some ideas.

I’m beginning to use the crock pot to cook huge amount of food in one time without having to cook that much. Cut some veggies, add a protein source, some flavoring and spices and you’re set. Put in some ziploc containers and you’re good to go. It’s really easy to count cals this way too since you just divide the total amount of cals by the number of containers you have.

I second the crockpot. Take some lean ground beef, blackbeans, spinach,tomatoes, spices. Put it in plastic containers and you are good for a week.

Had great results eating peanut butter at work. Easily packable too.