Not A Depression, Darwinian Economics At Work

Interesting stuff, as usual the Russian Prez speaks the truth and logic in doubtful times. This crisis is an opporuntity for weak worthless business to die, and strong powerful business to prove itself as durable and grow.

So when will our own President say, its time for shit businesses to starve and die, the strong are the only ones that deserve to survive. Why help those who will not help themselves?

This is not a crisis, but a purification.

[quote]SpartanX wrote:
So when will our own President say, its time for shit businesses to starve and die, the strong are the only ones that deserve to survive. Why help those who will not help themselves? [/quote]

Because they have more of a say over who becomes president, senator, etc. than The People.

It’s not like we have a true “free” choice here in the usa either. All our decisions and opinions are based on what is pumped to us 24/7 via all media outlets. You’ll end up thinking pretty much what they want you to think, whether you know it or not.

The Propaganda machine here is down to an art.

[quote]Gregus wrote:
All our decisions and opinions are based on what is pumped to us 24/7 via all media outlets. [/quote]

Not necessarily true. These forums and forums like them are also places where information can be found and discussed. I am pretty sure the people who visit this one swing a little more right than the average American and they are not so blind as to be tricked by the new administration.

Big media is on its death bed. With the success of the internet and alternative medias they are becoming increasingly irrelevant.

I have nothing but optimism for the future. The NY Times is already going broke because no one wants to read their lies anymore and advertisers have finally caught on. The network and cable broadcasters are the next to go.