Nordic Blood: Climbing And Lifting / Lifting And Climbing

It’s coming. Just have to find the message I wrote Koestrizer to not have to start snew

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Still sick. Speaking of sick,

That ROM


Finally sent

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He used to do his leg workouts at the gym I went to in Vegas, on Sunday. He and his 3 large goons would spend what seemed like hours between the leg press, hack squat, then real squat (where he regularly had on 5 plates). The man is an absolute machine. He complimented me, out of the blue, on my squat depth when I hit a PR, which is still a weightlifting highlight for me and was a general all-around nice guy (didn’t mind a brief chat, let me borrow some chalk, etc.). I had no idea who he was initially or I probably would’ve had stage fright, ignorance paid off, ha.


Still sick, hiding out at the apartment. Used to be able to go for walks on the daily but not at all yesterday nor today. Feeling better than yesterday though. Hope I’ve turned a corner.

Was planning to game some, which I rarely ever do but my old mods had gathered enough dust to become unplayable and the mod manager seems to have grinded to a halt. And another game just straight up crashed. So, decided to play around with Photoshop instead. Some kind of grunge, collage, hand things.

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Hey dude, I just skim read some of your log. Got me really interested in starting my own! Hope you continue to feel a little better each day.

Do you still take the apple cider vinegar? I’ve been on and off it for years. Some people swear by it improving digestion - seems to me it always placebos me for the first day or two and then I feel like all I’m doing is putting my teeth at risk even when watered down!

I’m still getting to grips with the etiquette of the forum and really enjoying reading a shed load of old threads.

No I don’t, I never had any teeth issues from consuming ACV. @T3hPwnisher has ACV in his rotation I believe, he might be able to give you some pointers on how to consume it without risking your dental health.

I did go through a phase where I was just using a straw but nowadays I end up just making a basic acv with olive oil salad dressing to get it in me. Can be enjoyed then rather than feeling a bit like a chore to drink.

There was a time back when I was tiny that I’d put it in my unflavoured protein shake with a couple scoops of oat powder. v_v

I just mix it with a beverage. Nothing too crazy

Wow, that’s quite a ride. Give me some time to process and get back to you. Thank you for sharing.

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Take your time and take care

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Man you’ve been hit with the plague! I assume you saw a doctor?

I’m suspecting covid/flu/rs so don’t really see what a doctor could do

That’s a bit short sighted. Covid - test obv., other tests to see if it’s viral or bacterial. If bacterial: Antibiotics.

We’re not allowed in healthcare centers with covid symptoms but sadly since most people test themselves regardless of symptoms there’s a shortage of tests. One cannot see beforehand if a healthcare center still has tests and have to go there first and I’m certainly sick enough that I shouldn’t ride public transport while I hunt it down.

My parents have sent tests via the post but it hasn’t arrived yet.

I don’t really know of any bacteria that causes symptoms akin to flu/covid/rs?

But yeah, plague-like certainly. Having to lie face down to breathe easier was a new experience.
Works like a charm though.

Haemophilus influencae for example. I had an infection with that not long ago and was treated with antibiotics.

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I’ve had bacterial bronchitis and know that pneumonia can be bacterial, too. Worth exploring the options, even if annoying.

I went into a Swedish ER with chicken pox (as an adult), after a nurse confirmed via telephone that I was allowed. I was immediately yelled at upon going to the check in counter then sequestered to some random hallway, don’t recommend that approach lol

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@Koestrizer @heretolog if nothing changes before Monday I’ll have it checked. It’s too late in the day to get a callback now and the ER-route does not seem appropriate as I wouldn’t classify this as an emergency.


Sounds like a plan. To be clear, I wasn’t attempting to infer that this was an emergency situation, just something that can hopefully be cleared up more quickly with some medical care.

I know. I’m on my phone so I was maybe too succinct. I was hinting at the possibility of using the ER when healthcare centers are fully scheduled.

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