No Gym, Bodyweight Training

For pistols i used a beach towel over a bar to keep balance and cheat a bit until you get used to only use 1 leg power.
Dumbells are also great.
In the morning i go about 25 min to a gym and later i train a bit more at home with bands, dumbells and bodyweight.
Do a youtube search you will find progressions for bodyweight options.

For upper body I reckon is not that hard, but with lower body especially quads must be a bit complicated

If you can order or make a few things that would make life infinitely easier.

Get a tractor tire and hook up a rope harness for heavy sled drags, backwards and forwards.
Buy a couple of KB’s - they’re super easy to use, you dont need experience. Then DL’s, RDL’s, Goblet squats, overhead squats etc all become an option after your sprints.
Bands as said before, for rows, tricep pushdowns, resisted push-ups, DL’s, Hamstring curls, bicep curls.
You can use intesifying techniques for things like pushups and bodyweight squats by keeping constant tension on the muscle, slowing the movement, doing things like close-grip pushups first, then swapping to regular once fatigued. Lunges until fatigued followed by squats.

There’s so much!

Pistol Squats