Newest T-Vixen

I am announcing the birth of the latest T-Vixen, born this morning at 8:27 in Indianapolis, weighing in at 7.2 pounds!


[quote]djohns wrote:
I am announcing the birth of the latest T-Vixen, born this morning at 8:27 in Indianapolis, weighing in at 7.2 pounds!


As a father of 5, I can say that from my heart and mean it!



Congrats my friend. I just had a little girl 3 months and 11 days ago.

Excellent news, djohns! I hope mother and child are doing well! Your first?

many congatulations on your baby.

may mom and babs make safe and happy progress.

“your work here is now done”

Thanks all. We got her home yesterday, and so far she’s been the quietest baby anyone could hope for. She’s our third, so we can definitely appreciate it. The baby and my wife are both doing well.