New TRT Guy. Thinking About Upping My Dosage

Please read the stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • finding a TRT doc

Standard recommended protocol:
50mg T injected twice a week, use #29 0.5ml 1/2" insulin syringes, suggest SC/SQ over quads.
0.5mg anastrozole at time of injections
250iu hCG SC EOD to preserver testes and fertility [must be kept refrigerated - on rig?]

E2 needs to be managed near E2=22pg/ml
You are close.
Anastrozole is a competitive drug to T and needs to match serum T levels. You need steady T levels and injecting twice a week will get you there.

Noting competitive drug above, if you increase T dose, you need to increase anastrozole dose by same factor to keep E2 unchanged. As you deal with these things and need better anastrozole dose refinement, dissolve 1mg/ml in vodka and dispense by volume.

With your weekly T injection and peaking dropping T levels your relative anastrozole dose was probably too high at the end of the week and lab timing catches what part of the story?

When you change protocol as suggested, scaled up from there, you should do labs after 3 weeks to see where E2 is so you can make anastrozole dose adjustments. Example: If you get E2=28 and target is E2=22, alter anastrozole dose by a factor of 28/22.

Try to always do labs halfway between injections, labs at doctor’s office not good enough and you need to be fasting to get glucose [or cholesterol].

Please refer to your dosing in mg’s not ml’s

Routine labs:
FASTING glucose - your lab result not useful

What was LH/FSH before TRT?
When young, low T is a symptom of something and not the disease.