New to TRT -> On Clomid

Bad advice.

Where are you? Affects diagnostic and treatment options.

Doc is suggesting a treatment where your levels peak and crash which predicts a poor quality of life. That also makes E2 management, which is often mission critical, impossible.

You cannot ever ‘supplement’ T as added T absolutely shuts down your own production, LH/FSH–>zero in a day or two. Doc suggests that your T levels will drop low enough that LH/FSH production will resume. But as your T levels drop that low, you are likely to be drowning in a sea of residual estrogens. Libido will suffer too.

Please read the stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • finding a TRT doc