New to the Forum. First Set of Pics

This is my first forum post, so I thought I’d jump right in.
OCB Pride of the Atlantic. Richmond, VA. May 17, 2008.
5’7" 155lbs
LIFETIME natural. No juice. No PHs.
Eight years serious training, three years competing.
Next show: INBF Atlantic Coast Natural. June 14th.

Been having problems with this pic. Let’s see if it uploads this time…


nice work

That’s a fantastic physique. You look way heavier than 155 lbs.

how is this guy only a 6.8?? excellent work and props for getting onstage. i’d never do it :slight_smile:

awesome job! Great conditioning, man you came in lean.

155 lbs??? HOLY SHIT…

Good work bro

Wow! I don’t know what else to say, really.

Thanks, guys. That 155lbs is not a typo. That’s where I weighed in for my May 17th show. I’ve managed to cut up even a bit more in the past three weeks, and it looks like I may hit my June 14th show at 153-154.
Still can’t get that rear lat spread pic to load. Let me try it again here.

Got a back double bi? You look pretty good. On a side note do you have a tattoo around your nipple? If so thats awesome.

What weight do you normally walk around at? Any measurements?


Would you mind posting your views on training and dieting, and your training/diet program?

Do you think a natural bodybuilder has to do anything different to one who takes steroids?

You Suck =p

I didn’t give you a 10 because I’m one of those people that always believes in room to improve or that there is no such thing as perfection.

I really like your legs. Good definition and they look huge without being freaky or out of proportion with the rest of your body.

Nipple tattoo. Yes. Hurt like a mutha.
I don’t have a rear double bi yet (the contest photo CD isn’t Mac compatible), but I do have a video on my T-Page.

Defekt, My winter weight is about 175+, but I haven’t the slightest clue about my measurements. Whenever anyone asks me “How big are your arms?” or “How much do you bench?” My standard answers are “Not big enough” and “Not enough.” I’m my worst critic, and I know I’m nowhere near where I want/need to be.

Goodfellow, I only joined this forum yesterday, but let me get my feet wet here, and I’d love to give you the list of what I do. It’s not perfect - far from it - but it took me a long time to get things right, and I wish I’d have had someone to give me a point of view in the beginning that wasn’t complete bullshit. I can only tell you what works for me, but I’ll never blow smoke up your ass or feed you crap.

As far as natural vs enhanced, I can’t speak intelligently about what it takes on the other side. I wouldn’t know d-bol from a-bol or a pro-hormone from an anti-hormone (I made two of those words up, I think). The enhanced side of things just isn’t my gig - not that I have a problem with it.

I compare bodybuilding to racing: Natural is like Indy Cars and enhanced is like NASCAR. They both go fast, they use the same tracks. Stock cars are bigger and use different fuel, but it’s all racing.
I look forward to getting to know everyone here and sharing what I know.

Great job man, keep it up.

I don’t see why is rating is so low. Easily one of the top physiques I’ve seen on here.

I’m in position to judge, but maybe calves and hams and that’s it. I gave you a 10.

How old are you, and please do illustrate your training and diet as much as you’d like to share.

Nice work

Whoa, wait! This doesn’t add up! You look 50 pounds heavier than what you weigh, very impressive indeed. Very proportioned, i’ve no idea why your score is only a 7.9.

Voted a 9 just so you won’t get complacent and lazy. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think i speak for all of us when i say we would love to see the training/diet of a real natural bodybuilder.

Keep it up!

Starting a daily blog right now. I’m eight days out from my next show, but I’ll back up a few days to give you an idea of what my pre-contest diet and training look like. After the contest next Saturday, and after I take a few days off, I’ll jump right into a bulking phase for the next 8 weeks, so I’ll post my new routine and diet in real time.

Great for 155lb…

Impressive stuff. Looking forward to your diet and training post ::slight_smile:

I hope you did well in the comp today- I can’t imagine anyone being better in a natural comp. Great work!