New to Lifting Real Heavy in General. Help a Newbie?

I’m new to powerlifting, 26 and have been lifting weights for the past year, I’ve made awesome progress but want to get stronger. I found a gym where i live called B&W Gym, almost specially for power lifters and body builders ( my crowd) ive never benched more than the bar and two 10 lbs plates. I know the obvious answer is “well, go heavier” i just want to incorporate almost ALL powerlifting/strongman movements. I already incorporate two 50 lbs (dumbbell) farmers carry into my workout, i go to a crowded LA Fitness so i can’t always use what i want to. So B&W seems like it could be awesome. I just need a coach or some huge dude to show me the ropes lol

I wouldnt try and do too much at once at this stage just go through this below and then do a run of a 5x5 like texas method…

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Add weight slowly and figure out your Max Max. Like “I can only do 1 rep and no more” max. When your next session for that muscle group comes around drop the weight to where there’s resistance but you can at least get a good 5 to 6 reps in and do it for 3 to 5 sets. That’s my suggestion. Find your max, drop it down and build it up. Take it slow and steady and the results will come.

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Thanks @moobert sound advice, I’ve recently tried going from the 25 lbs dumbbells to the 35’s, there’s a bit of resistance but i can do 3x8 (shaking slightly)

Do you mean 3 sets of 8 reps? Or 3 reps for 8 sets? lol But hey, a jump is a jump regardless. But try to remember to push yourself with heavier weight from time to time. Will you fail at a PR from time to time? Yes. But that’s a part of the satisfaction. You know that you will eventually hit a PR, and then push past that one, and then push past the next. Essentially, do what you can do comfortably and then make yourself uncomfortable.

I meant 3 sets of 8 reps lol thanks for being so cool about my novice…ness? Lol

Everyone was a novice when they started. :slight_smile: Unless they had monstrously good genetics and they’re just natural hulks from the gate. lol

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I watch ALOT of Brian Alsruhe’s stuff on YouTube then i try to go to my LA Fitness to implement it and boom, packed to the gills with people lol hoping my change of gyms from an “everyman” gym to a “specialist” gym Will workout better. I’vev always wanted to be the strongest guy in the room so, here’s hoping.

Make friends with the biggest baddest guys at the gym and see if they will take you under their wings.

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Oh man lol I’ve gone into the gym with this exact mindset, only to find that the biggest guys there are more concerned with looking AMAZING…to the other guys lol i go to LA fitness, a poor excuse for a gym but that all changes in two weeks when i move near a powerlifting focused gym.


What’s 5/3/1? I’m genuinely asking

Jim Wendler’s powerlifting program. Works for everyone who tries it. Run a search on t-nation to get a couple free templates, or better yet, read the book(s). The cool thing is the set/rep/percentage schemes for the main lifts are simple yet effective, and you WILL add weight to the bar over time, but there are many options for assistance work. That doesn’t mean “do what you want”, it means “pick one of the many templates that a man who knows what he’s talking about wrote and field-tested”.

EDIT: About walking into the gym and trying to get strong and experienced guys to take you under their wing, I think it’d be best to first just go in, put your head down and work hard. Run a good program, train with intensity, and don’t fucking text between every set. I think guys who see you coming in, working hard, and improving would be more likely to help you than if you just walk right up to them. That’s just my opinion though.

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@shralpinist thanks a bunch, I’ll read the books. I’ve been going to the gym for the past year and doing exactly that lol head down, increasing weight where i can and getting out, every other day.

Ok i second this… was pretty vague on my original post.But yeah this is pretty much what I was thinking also. pretty much how things use to work in your truly hardcore gyms. Just too damn lazy to write it out.


Brian/Alphas stuff is awesome but his super-giant sets is not realistic in 90% of busy commercial gyms. If want to go that route do the progression for the main lift (especially in his linear video) or as in his logs here ( alpha ii & 3)and then do the assistance as straight sets but very short rest like 20-30 secs, and can superset where possible.

I still would do a run of a Dan John template (often recommended by Brian along with 5/3/1) as you need to get your basic strength waay up