New Looking For Some Advice

Alright i have used different forums before and this one seems a little more involved then some of the other ones. Heres a bit of background: 6 Foot, 173lbs, Male, 13%Bf (i did various measurements and have come up with 9-10% but i know those have to be off so this is my guess), I have been lifting for almost a year, i have been lifting with a plan since January… the difference being i would just show up in the gym and do “standard” lifts like some little newb, but in January i educated myself a bit and have seen good/ish results since then.

I plan to box, soon as i transfer schools and can get a trainer. I only want to go up to 190-195 pounds. I have been doing a program that rotates reps/sets/rest time every 2 weeks and lasts 6 weeks. Im looking to move away from that as it hovers around a 3set 8-10rep style. I’m just curious how quickly i can expect to move up to that 190 mark, I’m guessing 10months - 1 year? I like to do split days, Arms/Half back/chest day one, Shoulders/Half Back/legs on day 2, day three then is Abs/endurance. Since tonight i have moved my shoulders/legs to a 5x5 set up just to get something new in, and my Day one im doing a 3-4 set 8 rep max set up, again for something new.

Just an exmample of what i do

Warm Up: Chin Ups (just body weight) Till fail (3 secs free hang = fail), Push Ups 3 sets of 25.

A1: Bench With Dumbells
A2: 2 arm Row

A1: Bench on a machine (i maxed the little thing out so i moved to dumbells)
A2: Wide grip Pull ups

A1: Chest Dip (weighted)
A2: 1 arm row

A1: Bicep Curl (dumbells)
A2: Tri Dips

A1: Hammer Curl
A2: Tri Kick Backs

Hope the above makes sense, but that is the work load for day 1, am i doing enough… not enough? Recently i have been pushing hard to increase by 5-10 pounds a week on my bench… i have no spotter so its kinda spooky from time to time…

anyhow im benching 160 now which i know is pathetic, and i want to get it up to 210 within 2 months if possible… erm any suggestions or comments you can make?

A couple thoughts.

  1. you’re a boxer, and there’s no use in performing the following exercises.

Bicep Curl (dumbells)
Tri Dips
Hammer Curl
Tri Kick Backs

  1. What’s more important than your strength in the weight room is your conditioning (ability to recover in the short spaces between rounds and fight as long as possible with littlest drop due to fatigue).

  2. As a boxer, your strength comes from your hips. You might need pushups, but you don’t need to bench press. You need to deadlift and squat.

Also, search through Chad Waterbury’s archives (click on AUTHOR at the top of the page). He trains MMA fighters, and he’s got some good articles about doing just that.

Ya i know i dont need the curls and the dips, But I can put on another 20 pounds or so, so thats the main reason i do it.

You don’t want 20lbs on your arms. You want 20lbs on your legs, hips, back and shoulders.

So long as you’re training hard, any program will provide the stimulus to grow. The important part of gaining muscle is to eat more. Nutrition is king.

I’d recommend following more an olympic-lift oriented training cycle that involves plenty of cleans, jerks, and squats, combined with conditioning/practice and eating 4500kcal each day.

that last part’ll make you grow.

[quote]Otep wrote:
You don’t want 20lbs on your arms. You want 20lbs on your legs, hips, back and shoulders.

So long as you’re training hard, any program will provide the stimulus to grow. The important part of gaining muscle is to eat more. Nutrition is king.

I’d recommend following more an olympic-lift oriented training cycle that involves plenty of cleans, jerks, and squats, combined with conditioning/practice and eating 4500kcal each day.

that last part’ll make you grow.[/quote]

I think dips would be ok. But the other stuff is uneeded. Listen to this guy’s advice, he knows his stuff.

Ya i know back, abs and Shoulders are hugely key, as well as the upper legs, not doubting you at all. Thanks for the advice on all that. Ya the conditioning i got down, that is the easiest part for me its just adding mass that has been somewhat retarded, and i think its the food part, i can’t afford to eat as much as i need to, which is a bitch.