New Guest Forum: CW is Back!

This Friday evening, T-mag contributor Chad Waterbury will take over the Guest Forum. He’ll answer all your questions on training, nutrition and anything else you want to throw at him.

CW has had numerous articles published at T-mag and has a new column called Branding Iron.

For more info on Chad, see the article called Texas T.

This Friday, it’s on!

sweet, i had been hoping to see this again

GREAT article, Chris!!! You made me want to go out and read everything ever written by CW.

Same here, TT. And that was before I began his ABBHP and started having more luck with it than I expected.

I actually did go to and print out all his articles as a pleasant addition to my “Best of T-Mag” three ring binder!

Glad to hear he’s coming back to host a forum, and with the advance notice maybe I’ll even be able to come up with a few semi-intelligent questions…

Can’t wait!

great! I missed the first one I guess.

hehe ill save my posts for friday then. CW has easily had the most influence over me in the shortest time since ive found this site. Gonna be some good stuff.