New Goals, Back to Basics

Previous log was in-between changing programs then some lower back issues caused another slight change (no more deadlifting for now). Should be able to keep it consistent for the rest of 2011. Up until a few months ago I did 5/3/1 for almost 20 cycles. Now I am going back to the bodybuilding style split I did when I first started working out but still keeping some of the main ideas I’ve learned.

-New split is basic push/legs/pull with 2 routines each for a total of 6 days
-Each day starts with 1 main lift below then a few other compound lifts + isolation lifts for the rest

  1. Bench
  2. Squat
  3. BB Row
  4. Overhead Press
  5. Front Squat
  6. Pullups
    -Repeat twice then deload

Short Term Goals
-Bench 315
-OHP 185
-Squat 375 (either actual 1RM or estimated is fine)
-Front Squat 315

Goal Progress 1/30/2012
-Bench, going for 290 in a few weeks, might be closer to 300 since its heavier than a 45lb bar.
-OHP, switched to 5/3/1 so going for rep PRs, will get an estimated 185 before an actual 185 in next few months
-Squat, still doing somewhat higher reps, should get 365 estimated next month
-Front Squat, best was an ugly 305, going for 5RM for a while to practice form.

Posted this last night but did not seem to go through…

Started this log about half way through my current 3 week cycle so I decided to just log a summary of each workout for the month as I am finishing everything up this week.

Push Day 1 - Floor press (soon to be regular bench day)

Floor press
245x5 Week 1, 270x2 Week 2
Week 3 the squat rack was in use for too long and I was not feeling 100% so I just did pin presses on a smith press like machine. Just going to do bench presses next time in the 90-95% of 1RM range

DB Bench
85 All 3 weeks, 1 set each time for 13/14/15 respectively. Upping to 90lb next time and will do that until I get 15.

DB Press
Week 1 40/42/45 x 10x3
Week 2 40/45/50 x 10/8/6
Week 3 42/47/55 x 10/7/5 This is hard after AMRAP DB Bench

Flys / Rear delt machine
Some sets of 10, keeping this for next time

Side lat machine
more sets of 10, keeping this also

Tricep extension machine
Never really used this until recently and kind of like it, will keep this up for high reps, does not seem to bother my elbow like skull crushers and other lifts.

Legs Day 1 - Squats

Squat - Juggernaut method 8’s with training max of 305
Week 1 200 x 8/8/8/8/10
Week 2 220 x 8/8/10
Week 3 245 x 10

Supersets 3x10
Leg Curls / Leg Extension / Ab Machine

Last week added 135x20 Squats at the very end just because I felt like it

Next cycle upping training max by just 5lbs and adding back extensions just to test out my back, last time those messed me up so I have not done any lower back stuff in over a month. Think my back is getting better now as bent over rows don’t bother it so I will test out back extensions with very low reps and see how I feel.

Pull Day 1 - Barbell Row

Barbell Row - Using juggernaut method 10s
Week 1: 135x10/10/10/10/15
Week 2: 150x10/10/15
Week 3: 170x15

Cable Pulldowns 10x3

Incline DB Curl, 10x3 25-30lbs
Seated Calf Raises, 6 sets
BB Shrugs, 2 sets of 10 and 20 on 3rd, most I did that for was 185 since I have not done shrugs in like 5 years so I wanted to start out easy. Plan on getting 225x20 in the next couple months then moving to Dumbells and maxing those out since my gym only goes to 125s.

Next cycle no changes except increasing weight, BB Row I’m making up a 9’s cycle for juggernaut since I want to keep it high rep and don’t want to repeat 10s again.

Push Day 2 - Standing Overhead Press

OHP - Juggernaut method 5’s
Week 1: 115 x 5/5/5/5/5/6
Week 2: 125 x 5/5/5/6
Week 1: 135 x 8

Bench Press - Ramped +10 on each set for 3 sets
Week 1: 135-155 x 10/10/10
Week 2: 145-165 x 10/10/10
Week 3: 155-175 x 10/10/10

Supers with next 3
Front Lat Raise 15x10, 20x8, 25x6-8

Dips BW, 3 weeks did the following

Tricep Machine

Probably keeping about the same for 1 more cycle.

Legs Day 2 - Front Squat

Front Squat - Juggernaut 10s
Week 1: 135 x 10/10/10/10/12
Week 2: 150 x 10/10/12
Week 3: 170 x 15

Front Squat holds - Added 10lbs each week, week 3 worked up to 365 for 15 seconds.

Leg Curls - 10/10/12 each week

Week 3 only since I had extra time and energy
Front Squat 225x2 after the holds which was very easy after holding 365
Leg Extensions
1 set on ab machine and 1 set of leg raises

Simple yet effective, not changing anything next cycle, 5lbs for TJM training max and moving to 8’s.

Pull Day 2 - Pullups

Pullups - Been eating more and probably gaining weight so these are not getting any easier
Week 1: BW x 7/6/5/4/3 and 2 sets of weighted
Week 2: Same
Week 3: 10 sets of 3 for 30 reps total, going to add 1-2 reps each week until I get 10 sets of 5.

Dumbell Rows
10 x 65/70/75 first 2 weeks
10 x 70/75/80 week 3, still not too hard here bumping to 85s soon

HS High Row
Worked up to 6-8 reps of 135-140lbs per side

Super sets
Upright row - suck at these since I haven’t done in a while
Reverse Curls - getting easier each week
Standing Calf Raises - 6 sets of 10

Deload next 5 days probably restart on Monday

Cycle 2 Week 1 Part 1

Bench - 245x1x3
DB Bench - 90x10
DB Press - 42x10, 47x8, 55x6
SS - Fly and rear delt machine / side lat raise machine / tricep ext

Squat - 215x5/5/5/5/5/8
Abs and back extensions
Skipped other leg stuff since my knee was not feeling 100%

BB Row - 145x10/10/10/10/15
Cable Pulldowns
SS - Incline DB Curl / Shrugs / Standing BW Calf raises for high reps

Did 3 deload days + and above for 6 days straight and took 2 days completely off.

Cycle 2 Week 1 Part 2

OHP - 125x3x7 and 5 reps on the 7th set
Bench - Worked up to 165x10
SS - Front lat raise / Dips BWx10/12 / Tricep Ext

Front Squat - 150x8/8/8/8/10
FS Hold - Worked up to 365
Was short on time and stopped here

Pullups - 31 total with sets of 3 and 1 set of 4
DB Row - Worked up to 80x10
HS High Row - Just did 1 set with 95lbs per side and 15 reps per arm
SS - Upright Row / Reverse curl / Standing Calf raises

So far not the best week but should get better soon.

Cycle 2 Week 2 Part 1

Bench - 250 x 1 x 2
DB Bench - 90x11
DB Press - 45x10, 50x8, 55x6
SS - Fly and rear delt machine / side lat raise machine / tricep ext

Squat - 240 x 5/5/5/8
Leg Extensions and Leg Curls
Abs and Back extensions

BB Row - 160 x 9/9/15
Cable Pulldowns
SS - Incline DB Curl / Shrugs / Seated Calf Raises

Not much different than last week, all workouts about 40 minutes long

Cycle 2 Week 2 Part 2

OHP - 135 x 3/3/3/3/5
Bench - 10 reps with 155/165/175
SS - Front lat raise / Dips BWx9/9/10
Tricep Ext Machine

Front Squat - 165 x 8/8/10
FS Hold - Worked up to 375 for 10 seconds where bar slid forward slightly and another set 15s with better hold
SS - Leg Extension / Leg Curls

Pullups - 32 total with sets of 3 and 2 set of 4
DB Row - 10 reps with 75/80/85
HS High Row - Worked up to 140 per side for 6 reps
Upright Row - 3 sets not much weight
Reverse curl - single 15 rep set
Standing Calf raises - 6 sets spread throughout workout

Cycle 2 Week 3 Part 1

Bench - 255 x 1
DB Bench - 90x13
DB Press - 47/55/60 x 8/6/4
SS - Fly and rear delt machine / side lat raise machine / tricep ext

Squat - 265 x 8
Leg Extensions and Leg Curls
Abs and Back extensions
Did an extra squat session the next day and worked up to 315x2

BB Row - 175 x 14
Cable Pulldowns
SS - Incline DB Curl / Shrugs / Seated Calf Raises

Cycle 2 Week 3 Part 2

OHP - 140 x 4
Bench - 10 reps with 165/175/185
SS - Front lat raise / Dips BWx10/10/10
Tricep Ext Machine

Front Squat - 185 x 12
FS Hold - Worked up to 385 for 15 seconds
Did another Front Squat at 275 x 1, bad idea to jump 90lbs like that, hurt bicep a little by holding it wrong on way up but completely fine the next day.
SS - Leg Extension / Leg Curls

Pullups - 34 total with sets of 3 and 4 set of 4
DB Row - 10 reps with 75/80/85
HS High Row - Just 1 set of 100 per side for 15 reps
Upright Row - 3 sets not much weight
Reverse curl - 3 sets of 10
Standing Calf raises - 6 sets spread throughout workout

Deload time, next cycle starts Monday with lots of lift changes.

Cycle 3 Week 1 Part 1

Some changes on accessory lifts

Bench - 250 x 1 x 3
DB Bench - 90x11
Seated Military Press - Worked up to 95x10
SS - Dumbell Flys - Reverse flys
Closegrip bench - 135x20

Squat - 235 x 3/3/3/3/3/3/5
Leg Extensions
Back extensions - Starting to do weighted, weak on this but no longer hurts my back
Ab Machine - 1 set of 20, close to maxing this out

BB Row - 155 x 8/8/8/8/15
Wide grip lat pulldowns - 3 x 10
Dumbell Curls - 30/32/35 x 10
Shrugs / Seated Calf Raise

Cycle 3 Week 1 Part 2

OHP - 140 x 2/2/2/2/4
Incline DB Press - 35/40/45 x 10
HS Decline Bench - 90/100/115 x 10
Arnold Press - 20/25/30 x 10
Tricep Machine - 2 sets of 15

Front Squat - 165 x 5/5/5/5/5/10
Front Squat Hold - 385 x 15 seconds
Good Mornings - 95 x 10x3

Pullups - 34 total with sets of 3 and 4 set of 4
HS High Row - 105x10, 125x8, 155x6, 90x15
SS - Face Pulls / Curl Machine
Hip Abductor/Adductor Machine - Some sets of 20

Cycle 3 Week 2 Part 1

Bench - 255 x 1 x 2
DB Bench - 90x13
Seated Military Press - Worked up to 105x10
SS - Dumbell Flys - Reverse flys
Closegrip bench - 135/140 x 15/13

Squat - 260 x 3/3/3/3/6
Leg Extensions / Leg Curl
Back extensions - Some jackass broke it, how does one break something that doesn’t move?
Ab Machine - 1 set of 20

BB Row - 170 x 8/8/12
Wide grip lat pulldowns - 3 x 10
Dumbell Curls - 32/35/37 x 10
Shrugs / Standing Calf Raise

Cycle 3 Week 2 Part 2

OHP - 150 x 2/2/3
Incline DB Press - 40/45/50 x 10
HS Decline Bench - 100/120/140 x 10
Arnold Press - 25/30/35 x 10
Tricep Machine - 2 sets of 15

Front Squat - 180 x 5/5/5/10
Front Squat Hold - 395 x 15 seconds
Good Mornings - 95/95/105 x 10

Pullups - 5 sets of 4 and 5 sets of 3
HS High Row - 110x10, 130x8, 160x6, 92.5x15
SS - Face Pulls / Curl Machine
Good/Bad Girl machine - 3 sets of 20

Cycle 3 Week 3 Part 1

Bench - 260 x 1
DB Bench - 90x15
Seated Military Press - Worked up to 115x10
SS - Dumbell Flys - Reverse flys
Closegrip bench - 135/140 x 15/15

Squat - 285 x 5
Leg Extensions / Leg Curl
Ab Machine - 1 set of 20

BB Row - 190 x 12
Wide grip lat pulldowns - 3 x 10
Dumbell Curls - 35/37/40 x 10
Shrugs - 225 x 20
Standing Calf Raise - Standing on platform with various plates in 1 hand, gave up on seated calf raise since people are always on it, at least squat racks are never in use at my gym.

Cycle 3 Week 3 Part 2

OHP - 160 x 3
Incline DB Press - 45/50/55 x 10
HS Decline Bench - 90 + 15/25/35 x 10
Arnold Press - 30/35/40 x 10/10/8
Tricep Machine - 2 sets of 15

Front Squat - 200 x 8 (should have went for 10 more but was unfocused)
Front Squat Hold - 405 x 15 seconds
Good Mornings - 95/105/115 x 10

Pullups - 6 sets of 4 and 4 sets of 3
HS High Row - 90 + 25/45/65/5 x 10/8/6/15
SS - Face Pulls / Curl Machine
Good/Bad Girl machine - 3 sets of 20

Combining some workouts next week before vacation, skipping deload since I won’t have access to gym those 4-5 days.

Cycle 3 Week 4 Part 1

Bench - 245 x 1, 185x15
Seated Military Press - Worked up to 115x10
SS - Dumbell Flys - Reverse flys
Closegrip bench - 135/145 x 15/15

Combo Squat/Row workout
Squat - 315x1, 225x10
BB Row - Worked up to crappy 225x3 very hard after squats
Did some other various things mostly included sweating a lot

Next time combining 3 workouts into 1, not looking forward to that.