New Day.

Skip down a bit if you wana skip the excuses and bitching. Thanks

First off… let me get out the excuses so I can feel better about myself. I started off training\dieting for the second time about two months ago and after a solid month of the shotgun effect…

I was really down…and getting pissed off…school (11th grade) was coming to an end fast(last day today) I had to work hard to keep grades up and was worrying alot about an independent project I had to do for My military history class(15 page paper)…

So I was started to get very stressed…my parents who are suppose to be intelligent were saying that my diet was costing to much money and kept questioning anything I wanted to buy such as olive oil which my mother insisted was no better than vegetable oil.

I started having alot of trouble keeping it together… started slowly falling apart doing things like staying up till midnight or later then no waking up to eat breakfast…then one day I was at the gym and was doing hack squats…pushing it hard and I got a really bad headache (bad form I think) and snapped…

I totally fell apart and gave up. Started eating shit and playing on my pc all day…all the time thinking atleast once a day that I should change. A month flew by…got sick for a week or so with a bad poison ivy thing… I wrote my whole research paper in one day (yesterday ;p) which turned out to be 11 pages edited from an original 13. I have finished 11th grade.


Tomorrow is my official first day of summer and Ill be dead before I stop this time. I feel I am in complete control of everything and will schedule out my diet\training program and live around it for the next two months.

I will eventually have to alter it for school but until then my plan will be a diet\training program which Phoenix theory generously put together for me and I neglected for the last few weeks.

My plan.
none workout days
7am: wake up…shower…dress…walk for one hour. One problem I will have is my neighbor hood is one big circle that is 1.5 miles around…that takes about 20 minutes to walk…so I will have to pass my house 3 times before I eat lol
8am: breakfast: 3 eggs + vegitable… I think I will be settling for broccoli for the majority of my veggie intake
10:30: snack: mix nuts (no peanuts) or 4 oz cheese

1 pm: lunch: 4 oz meat and 1cup+ veggies

2:30 snack: mix nuts

5 pm : dinner: 4 oz meat and 1 cup + veggies

7:30 snack: mix nuts

Bed: Between 9 and 10pm

Workout program

This is the training program given to me by Pheonix theory… you can critique


what I am goin to ask you to do is is like circuit training but with weights. I must mention though that for every rep of every set you should be trying to be as fast as physically possible while completing a full range of motion. I suggest asa warm up you slowly go through all the movements to learn their execution.

You will go through circuit A with no rest imbetween. Then after circuit A is finished you rest, but you start circuit B before your
breathing returns to normal. Same for circuit C.

Go through it all (A,B and C)

Circuit A
(use Dumbbells for all of circuit A)

Alternate Shoulder press x20 reps
(10 each side)
Alternate Y press (45 degree shoulder press) x20 reps (10 each side)
Alternate T press (90 degree shoulder press) x20 reps (10 each side)
Alternate DB Curlsx20
reps (10 each side)
ALternate DB bent over rows
x20 reps (10 each side)
DB PUshups and the lift 1 db to side (should feel this in the core)
x20 reps (10 each side)
Alternate Front Reaching Lunges x10 reps (5 each side)
Alternate SIde Reaching Lunges x10 reps (5 each side)
Alternate Posterior Reaching Lunges x10 reps (5 each side)
Alternate Front Reaching Lunges with standing Bench Press or Miitary
Press x10 reps (5 each side)
Alternate Lateral Reaching Lunges with either press x10 reps
(5 each side)
Alternate Posterior Reaching Lunges with either press x10 reps (5
each side)

REST start circuit B before breath return

Circuit B (bodyweight unless stated)

Speed Squats x25
Chair Dips 24 reps
walking pushups for speed x24 reps 912 each leg)
squat jumps 12
DB leg overs max
alternating lunge jumps 14 reps (7 each leg)
Alternating Bent Over rows 20 (10 each arm)
Alternating Y shoulder press 20 (10 each arm)

Circuit C (no weight)

Burpess with Jump x20
DB swings with DB x20
explosive pushups max
bicycle abs x60
Alternating lunge jumps while hold 1 db out straight and rotation it
to eachside with each rep x20
Upper body running with DB x45
alternating bent over rows with DB x20 (10 each side
Alternating DB Upright Rows x20 (10 each side)

I want you to set the stop watch up for this! you will complete as many goes through all the circuits as possible, but you must go over
30 minutes. Then next time you will go through the WHOLE circuit as many times as you did the first session but you MUST beat the time

You can switch the circuits around to provide variety if you want but you still must beat the time!

This will be done 3 times a week to start with, but after a couple weeks we will up it 4.
I suggest you use quite a light dumbell (5-7.5 kg) for your first if you want but I’m going to try it for a while.

15-30 minutes before the workout - 1 banana and 30g Protein Shack
After workout - 1/2 cup raisins + 30g
protein powder

I skipped over your bitching.

The diet looks good, if difficult. Pretty much what Bartyl was doing on his physique clinic and what I’m doing now (last four weeks of a cut).

The training… two thoughts.

  1. I don’t like it. It’s three different circuits, with an escalating density of work. The combination of high/moderate reps with low rest will definitely get your lactic-acid levels up… you’ll wanna puke… repeatedly… and when you get to the end of this, you’ll have lost any strength you once had.

If you have any strength, that is.

Muscle mass often leaves along with strength.

Neither of these is any real big deal if you don’t have any awesome PR’s or muscle mass you wanna hold on to, so take my advice with a column of salt.

  1. It doesn’t matter what I think. If Phoenix_Theory is coaching you, do what he tells you to the letter. Don’t quibble, don’t second-guess it, and don’t make excuses.

Just read your bitching.

You got overtrained. It happens. The key point is to be able to recognize it in the future, and back off on your training a little. Realize you don’t have to go BALLS TO THE WALL on every set. Sometimes it’s okay to coast.

I did the same thing when I was in high school. Went too hard, too fast, didn’t get results I wanted fast enough, got fed up, and stopped. Sadly, I quit lifting for about four years.

Welcome to the last year in high school, by the way.

I’ll tell you what they told me Wednesday, when I showed up at the shop for the first time in over four months.

Welcome back… get your ass to work.

My only comment is

That can be very beneficial, but only if you make sure you actually do the ROM and use proper form. You can see some Crossfit videos where the guy flies through his exercises (this one guy looked like he was doing the butterfly swim stroke on his pullups) just to make the time hack. Good luck and stay disciplined.

Thanks for all the input

otep at this point I could absolutely not care less about strength (ironic lol) I would much rather be the skinny bitch (mode change to strength time) then be the fat ass… I did make some nice improvement from where I was originally but it would only take a month or two to get it back (only trained for that time) so im not worried at all. thanks for the info though

one thing I was concerned about was learning to do everything properly but I have all the time I need and the mindset to do it.

one problem I have had today was I realized how badly sleep deprived ive been over the last few weeks because of school and stress. I woke up without an alarm at 5:50am(7 hours of sleep) and then when I was getting ready I sat down for a minute and fell asleep for several more hours…I think I hit 12 hours lol… but I’m still keeping my schedule solid…

[quote]njrusmc wrote:
My only comment is

be as fast as physically possible while completing a full range of motion.

That can be very beneficial, but only if you make sure you actually do the ROM and use proper form. You can see some Crossfit videos where the guy flies through his exercises (this one guy looked like he was doing the butterfly swim stroke on his pullups) just to make the time hack. Good luck and stay disciplined.[/quote]

I believe those are referred to as “kipping pullups/chinups.” The maneuver is different than your conventional pullups because that’s actually what the program calls for. It’s just different.