New Business Failures

I’m talking about a different way to structure business, not a government. Can the government be used to foster this new way of doing business? Yes. When Jeremy Corbyn was asked where the people would get the funds to transform a traditional business to a Co-Op or start a Co-op? He just smiled and said, low interest loans from the government.

Looks like he enjoys that hyperpallatable food he helps produce a bit too much…

So explain why they tried to keep cannabis from coming to the market? Do you think they have only tried to do this with cannabis?

Answer all of my questions that you’ve ignored and I’ll answer this really stupid one.

This is an example of garbage in, garbage out.

This makes literally no sense.

Where the fuck do you think the government gets the money from?

Jesus H. I’ve never meet a more clueless person in my life.

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Jesus Christ, a free market solution to rising health insurance costs, how the fuck is that possible in such a corrupt system that is currently eating itself apart.

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Sometimes it’s mind boggling how spoiled Zep is. Average lifespans literally doubling from a hundred years ago. People literally eating themselves into an early grave. Standard of living for the poorest Americans much higher than most of the planet.

But it doesn’t do anything for anyone. So fuckin spoiled.


Right, but he’ll just try (fail) to spin that as how the evil corporations are adding to the suffering of the middle class because of McDonald’s or something. Idk, I try not to overthink his drivel.

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So do you support a socialist government? Yes or no? If yes, define it. In proper terms.

Have you been using the term “capitalism” as a business model all along?

If so, define “business model”. Explain why you have been against capitalism as an economic model and define “economic model” while you’re at it.

In the event that you are unable to give proper definitions of the above terms(and I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt that you probably can), please go educate yourself on the proper meanings first and then post.

Please don’t write silly deflections like “capitalism causes suffering” and “socialism makes your farts smell awesome!”.

While you’re at it, define “corporations”. What are they? Simply incorported entities?

How high must their paid up capital be before they turn evil?

What is the tax rate for an average SME?

How much in employee contributions to whatever your country terms it’s government managed pension do they pay?

What is the price of accounting, auditing and submission of annual returns for an average SME?

What are the mandatory employee benefits?

Rockin that bow tie and suspenders.

I really think he’s getting multiple terms mixed up.

Is he using the “corporations aren’t people” argument that was used in the context of the right of corporations to contribute to political candidates? I really can’t think of any other rationale for this. It can’t be about the “class war” because that would refer to the evil rich people running the corporations.

He clearly thinks corporations are living entities wholly separate from their management. “They” are evil. Bernie Maddof isn’t evil. Bernie Maddof Investment Securities LLC (a plain corporation…) was evil.

I was watching a Jordan Peterson clip on YouTube yesterday where he was talking about the character traits that are generally necessary to reach the highest level of any organizational structure. At one point, he starts talking about this notion by neopostmodernist’s & Neomarxist’s, Zep fitting into both categories, that CEOs sit around their luxurious offices, feet kicked up, while smoking a cigar as the business runs itself and how utterly delusional and false that notion is. These are people, generally men, that work 70+ hours on average weekly who have set aside pretty much every other aspect of life to the be the “best” at a very small niche job to, after a significant amount of time, run that business.

I think a rational discussion can be had about CEO pay ratios in publicly trade companies, sure, but this notion that they are a group of evil lazy harpies living fat at the expense of others is just incredibly ridiculous.


Damn. Life goals, crushed.


Yeah but it makes no sense even for a really dumb communist to believe this lol.

I get it when students who have never worked a real job have these beliefs. Seriously. But we have a grown man here who seems to have this image in his head.

I think the commie fantasy painted in their heads is that of an organisation without a complex hierarchy. It’s only the big bosses vs the lower level workers. We’re still living in the days of the Industrial Revolution.


Sure, but he’s not just a dumb communist. He’s a brainwashed internet warrior for communism. He believes, strongly in the new Bourgeois v Proletariat, i.e., the oppressor vs the oppressed. It’s the central focus of, at a minimum, his posting here if not his life in general. He’s the worst kind of neomarxist, he’s a true believer.

I doubt he’s ever had meaningful employment and I don’t mean that as an insult either. I suspect he has a relatively low IQ (sub 85) and he simply can’t do most jobs. He lacks the intellectual capacity to excel at most things. That’s, of course, based on my observation of his posts and could be wrong, but I doubt it and it makes sense. He either has the ability to be successful and just doesn’t display it here, but wasn’t and is in denial about who’s fault that is or he lacks the cognitive ability to be successful and blames the evil CEO, the evil 1%, the evil corporation, etc… If it’s the latter, as I suspect, it’s really not his fault and I wouldn’t bash him so often; except, his ideas are actually dangerous.

Absolutely, Jeff Bezos is a 21st century Robber Baron and co-ops will solve that issue. He, of course, conveniently ignores or can’t fathom co-ops date almost as far back as Adam Smith, but that’s not unusual for him.

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What I’m kinda getting from his posts is he may actually believe in individual sovereignty but he can’t reconcile it with collectivism. Which has led all the logical inconsistencies with the usual cry of “Evil! People suffering!” to fill in the gaps.

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Ya, I think that’s probably accurate. He seems to think people should be free to make choices, ie, being free to use MJ to treat their cancer even if there’s no scientific literature that supports that. Which, generally, I’m fine with assuming it’s not sold as a treatment for cancer if there’s no evidence it actually treats cancer and that’s my stance on pretty much anything medical related.

Where his issue always seems to be, though, is that people, often, make choices that not only negatively affect them, but also negatively affect society, but, in that case, it isn’t their fault. For example, we’ve gone back and forth about fast food for years now. In this case, he thinks fast food companies engineer their products to overstimulate the reward center of the brain to make the food super delicious (debatable). Yes, of course, they spend on R&D like every other industry and they do try to engineer their food to taste as good as possible. However, they don’t turn it into heroin. It’s not addictive, I don’t care what anyone says. No one is forced to eat fast food. It’s a choice and a detrimental one, but society is supposed to foot the bill for that decision? I disagree wholeheartedly.

In my opinion, you can’t have it both ways. Either individuals are free to make choices and then responsible for those choices, generally, or society controls those choices and people are not responsible for those choices, generally. It’s one or the other.

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