Neurotype Confusion. Who Am I?

Christian, i się your test twice and i git two times pretty The same results which are Weird, could you help me identify who i am?



Based on your results you are a clear type 2A (If you have 3 or 4 percentages that are similar).

Training & eating wise everything goes, just not too long. 2A’s depend heavily on variation.

I dont know, 2a like variations i dont like, 2a Has more empathy i dont have A lot, like to have fun I hate parties etc. I was very good actor when i was Young, I Always Played main role. I was more introverted i like read book, but i Always had problem with conflicts i had big amount of fights at school, but normalny i was pretty quiet, but i was very outspoken when i started talking, but normally i didint start conversation…

@lou_smeets took CTs neurotype course and is the most knowledgeable here- with the exception of the man himself.
FWIW, I have you as a 2A, also.

Well, in order for you to be a great actor you definitely need a good amount of empathy. Perhaps you have not fully grasped the meaning of empathy yet. It does not mean that you as an individual are emotional per se. It means that you have an enhanced ability to comprehend other people’s situations and emotions as well as your own. This makes you able to better understand people’s character and adapt to it to improve your relationships with others. 2A’s don’t have as much empathy as 2B’s but they do have good amounts because they rely on it in order for them to read/understand people and adapt to them so they can be liked/respected by them.

As an actor empathy means that you are capable of playing a character well because you have great insight in their personality and behavior, which is heavily influenced by situations and emotions.

Every neurotype is a combination of 3 profiles. One of the secondary profiles of a type 2A is a type 3 who depends on precision and structure and doesn’t like variation because it creates anxiety and/or is a stressor for them. Stress does not change your true neurotype but can move you more to the right of the spectrum which is 2B and 3. Also, your upbringing plays a big role in how you deal with life. If you don’t like variation that might come from an education where structure and careful planning has been spoonfed to you. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it does impact how you behave.

This a nice combination of 2A and 3 right here. Type 3’s are usually more introverted. 2A’s can be as well. However, being introverted does not necessarily mean that you’re shy or a pushover. On the contrary, introverts can be very independent and confident, not backing down for what they stand for or believe in. This also blends in with the fact that they like structure for safety and control. If someone becomes a threat for that structure or does not have control over a situation in which a type 3 is involved, you best believe a 3 will speak out his opinion.

Type 2A’s can have a quiet, calm, less confident personality but when they are passionate about something adrenaline takes over and they become great, loud, dominant speakers. They usually feel on their A game when this happens. But if you approach them when they’re alone, they might become an entirely different person.

I am not CT but as a type 3 I usually pride myself on being accurate, precise and well informed before I speak my mind. I have done all the courses (even though it has been a while) and your results of both tests clearly show you are a type 2A (actor or passionate). Unless you haven’t been completely honest with yourself while you took the tests, I stand with my decision. But I’m just a regular guy, so yeah if you’re lucky Coach CT might chip in some of his experiences.

What are all the differences between 2A “passionate” and 2A “actor” in training, nutrition,…?
Looking forward to hearing from you

Sadly, CT does not mention the type 2A and 2B (yes there are two types of 2B as well) subcategories in the courses.

This leads me to believe that he updated his system a bit or does not think the subcategorical differences are as relevant as the main characteristics of a type 2A. That would be my interpretation but I’m not sure. Although I am convinced that the main characteristics are definitely more important for training, nutrition and supplementation than the tiny little details.

You can find a lot of information about training, nutrition and supplementation for a type 2A on his youtube channel, this forum (use the search button), articles posted on thibarmy (his website) and in the neurotyping articles he wrote for T nation

The main differences between a 2A actor and and a 2A passionate lie in enzymatic action and methylation properties of their cells. This chart here shows it:

The easiest way to understand this chart is that a 2A actor looks more like a type 1B: lower adrenaline sensitivity (but still higher than other neurotypes though), fast COMT (enzyme that breaks down adrenaline), higher acetylcholine production. They are more creative, more goal driven and love explosive movements and plyometric work.

Because of the higher acetylcholine and serotonin levels, they can tolerate a bit more volume than the 2A passionate and do great with high frequency training. When it comes to diet they usually perform better if they consume low carbs preworkout (a handful of brazil nuts and blueberries for example) to maximally stimulate adrenaline production and get them amped up for peak performance. This applies only when they are in a type 1B state of mind though and post-workout meals are usually high in carbs to facilitate recovery and balance out hormones and neurotransmitters.

The 2A passionate has more similarities with a type 2B: higher adrenaline sensitivity, fast COMT BUT lower acetylcholine and serotonin production. When adrenaline sensitivity is higher, but serotonin and acetylcholine production is lower that means they have less tools to calm their brain down when they get amped up and they respond to adrenaline stronger and longer (if the situation calls for it).

Having a bit of carbs preworkout (watch CT’s video on his channel about carbs preworkout: ‘using carbs to boost your gains’) is actually good for them because they get amped up more easily and are more emotional beings when serotonin production (experiencing more pressure when it’s low) and acetylcholine (faster thinking and learning, adapting more easily) are both lowered. The carbs will balance out dopamine and serotonin a bit more and decreases the chance of them getting overwhelmed during training. This rarely happens though (it can happen for example when a type 2A is dieting very hard with a blitz, low carb approach for a fairly long time).

Still a 2A passionate is nowhere near a type 3 when it comes to elevated stress levels because their serotonin and GABA production is a lot higher and they also break down adrenaline much faster. That’s why they usually remain sensitive to it.

Based on this information you can really start to connect the dots as to why a typa 2A needs variation. Put simply, when 2A’s feel really good, they morph into type 1B’s who are more goal driven and like doing explosive, plyometric work (low to medium reps, high frequency training, medium to high volume, neurological stimulation work). But not for too long because they either get bored with their training or do too much and experience more stress. This brings them to the other side of the spectrum, where their type 2B tendencies come into play. Now they are more bodybuilding oriented (medium to higher reps, moderate to high training frequency, more volume, mind muscle connection & pump work).

I could be wrong here but I think CT realised this along the way and just brought it all together in the sense that a type 2A does well on basically everything training or diet related, as long as you don’t stick with it for too long.

@ahmednagasaki In your case I would suggest to just try things out in the type 2A domain. If you have type 3 tendencies, focus more on periodization and planning so you know when your workouts are going to change. Don’t change the exercises but make small changes in the way they are performed (tempo, methods, reps, sets). If you’re feeling awesome and need more stimulation during training, decrease the rest intervals. If you’re feeling more stressed, increase the rest intervals. This way you can still bring in variation but not too much so it doesn’t collide with your aversion of doing things very differently.

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Excellent post thank you for taking the time and effort to write all of this down and for your expert knowledge of course. Is it safe to say that as a 2a myself I can confirm. Both ends of the spectrum when I was in high stress level I used to wear the same clothes everyday in the gym for years until I had to change them because of extreme use. Later in my life when I was feeling good I used to change clothes everyday. I have come to the point that I owned 21 different tank tops and shorts . Everyday I want a different outfit but in a specific order which mean that type3 side it’s all so high in me. As far as training goes I have made a 3-week cycle which I rotate the exercises volume intensity in order to keep things fresh, avoid boredom since i train for over 20 years, avoid overuse injuries and I have fear of missing out any angle or exercise that’s might lead me to reach my goals. Of course I don’t do everything in terms of exercises and strategies just those that I have found good for me. What I do is basic bodybuilding split pecs/side delts/calves,back/forearm, legs/calves,delts/traps,arms/forearms. The split only change in the three summer months which I use the basic push pull legs system 6 days per week. I eat three solid meals and 3 shakes with some carbs add to it. So I’m guessing 2a passionate/2b is my true type? I also have a quick temper when I think I am right and you step on my toes I become highly aggressive it’s like a switch which reminds me all of the superhero analysis of thibnation 2a=hulk.

Thanks, even though I cannot take credit for it. I simply replicate what I have learned from CT and I’m still learning from him. He’s the expert and it actually wouldn’t surprise me if he corrects me on a couple of things I said above because he has way more experience. I do believe I got most of it right but hey, it’s his life’s work so I can’t beat that.

If you can handle that much volume, recover well and are naturally attracted to eating a balanced diet, chances are high you fall into the category of a type 2A passionate with a lot of 2B tendencies. I’m assuming you have more role models who are bodybuilders rather than crossfit or olympic athletes. That explains the tanktops and bodybuilding splits.

Paying attention to outfits is definitely typa 2A behavior yes, they want to be perceived well by others. So when they select clothes, they select them not only based on the activity/their role models but also on how they will be judged by others in that specific environment. Being respected is one of the main driving forces for 2A’s.

Having a quick temper is more typical for a type 1A rather than a 2A. But type 3’s have type 1A tendencies so it is possible. Type 2B’s can also be quick tempered but for different reasons (emotional mood swings for example). Remember, every neurotype shares characteristics of all the neurotypes in the spectrum. It’s the characteristics that stand out the most that determine your dominance.

Again weird scores who am I…

I did test once again BUT with my mum, so he helepd me not lying

“In some of these cases the highest score isn’t always the dominance, and when you have 3 or 4 similar scores it is more often than not indicative of a 2A type, which is a social chameleon.”

This is a quote from the description you can find under your neurotyping results. According to the neurotyping test, you are a clear 2A.

Who are you? That’s an entirely different question not related as much to neurotyping but rather something you should think about and ask others who are close to you and know you very well.

Ending it here.

Yeah, but doesnt matter am i 2a actor or passionate everything should be The same right?

Yes, don’t break your head over it too much. The 2a actor might handle/crave slightly more neurological work than the 2a passionate. So try it out and see how well you recover.

If you’re not recovering well, either decrease training frequency/volume or move over to the passionate or 2B with slightly more volume in the muscular domain and less neurological work and see how well you recover.

If you’re still not recovering well, decrease training frequency/volume or move to the type 3 protocols to get yourself to recover. 2A’s adapt to other people and their way of thinking. If your friends, family, colleagues are or behave like type 3’s, chances are you’re behaving like that to.

Dieting down to get lean also heavily influences your neurotype over time. CT is a 2A but when he was traveling to Australia to give seminars he was away from home for several weeks. After his time in Australia, he needed to be shredded for a photoshoot. At first he trained like a 2A but at the end he adapted his training to that of a type 3 because the stress was getting to him (physical stress from training and mental stress from being in another country, preparing one seminar after the other, being far away from his wife, dogs, friends and family etc.).

How do you know if you have recovered? If you can at least use the same amount of weights, reps and sets you used the previous time. Ideally you would progress from session to session in either reps, weights, sets or time under tension. This is what’s called progressive overload and a well designed program allows you to get better.

So stop worrying about which subcategory you are and just start lifting. No one, not even Coach can give you the perfect program right from the start. You can come close though but you always need to make adjustments along the way. Training is super individual and everyone responds differently.

Neurotyping is all about giving you a headstart and making progress faster because you’re training in the right zone for your brain chemistry. Why do you progress faster? Well, because your training variables are better suited for you to be able to recover properly from your workouts. BUT you also enjoy your workouts more which makes you more consistent with the plan. Consistency is the mother of mastery. This is also true for diet and sleep habits. If you can remain consistent with it, you will get results faster than the person who bounces back and forth all the time.

Neurotyping is not an exact science, it’s just a means to get you in the right ballpark so you can enjoy your training, recover well and keep making progress. That’s the key thing to remember.

Great information, now i am sure that I am 2a actor, because I handle very well CNS work, for example I trained Bulgarian method long Time and i had big progress and havent cns fatigue I recovered fast, because often i Max out squat 3 times per day everyday for really. On The other hand i easily adapat my behavior to other person, It was Always Weird for me when i analyze my story that sometime i was introvertand sometime extrovert It Always depend on my nearby friend. If he was shy i was shy to, if he was extrovert i was The same. Weird

And the best progress i had on keto.

Hi, lou_smeets wrote in once on forum that 1b Has decent Amount traits of 2A and 3.
3 Has decent Amount traits of 1A and 2b.
So who are you if you have decent amount 1A and 3 traits?

Which neurotype has decent Amount traits of 1A and 3

I know that 1b is mixed by 2A and 3
I know that 3 is mixed by 1a and 2b


Actually, types 1A and 3 are very similar in terms of neurotransmitter profile with one major difference that creates the huge difference in their behaviour. But because of the similarities, it is very frequent to have someone test high as 1A and 3.

  • Both have a slow COMT enzyme. Meaning that they are slow at breaking down adrenaline. As soon as it’s released it stays high for a long time.

  • Both are poor methylators which leads to low adrenaline clearance, low serotonin and normally low acetylcholine

  • Both have low serotonin as we just saw

  • The main difference is in the GABA to glutamate ratio. GABA and gutamate are essentially two sides of the same coin. Glutamate can be turned into GABA and vice-versa. Type 1A have very low glutamate and very high GABA, Type 3 are the opposite. That’s why type 3 tend to be more anxious and introverted whereas type 1A are extroverted and aggressive.

But a highly stressed 1A can act more and more like a type 3 because excessive stress will lower GABA levels.

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