Neurotype 1A Questions: Neural Dominance/Muscular Dominance?

Neuro Type

First of all, great information.

However, I have a question on…

Introduction to Neurotyping - The Type 1A Profile

I’m not quite sure what you mean by these individuals having…

  1. Strong Neural Dominance

  2. Low Muscular Dominance.

Since these individual respond better to heavy training (such as myself), it seem like they would have a greater muscular dominance and lower neural dominance.

I discussed this years ago in an email to David Kerin a article that he wrote and you mentioned that you liked…

What is the most direct means to achieve strength gains specific to the demands of jumping events? [PDF] What is the most direct means to achieve strength gains specific to the demands of jumping events ? | Semantic Scholar

In his article, Kerin noted two different types of jumpers.

  1. Neural Explosive Jumpers

This group were able neurally turn on fast twitch muscle fiber; were more explosive.

  1. Strength Jumpers

This group essentially were more strength dominate; “Muscle it up”, so to speak.


Kenny Croxdale,CSCS

It’s the same in sprinting and most track & field events. For example, a guy like Kim Collins was more neural or “reflexive” meaning that he used the stretch reflex much better than most and had a very high ratio of FT fibers that he could easily turned on.

He was 150lbs and never lifted weights, yet was a world class sprinter.

On the other end of the spectrum a guy like Ben Johnson was a poor jumper and sucked at the olympic lifts. He also needed to get really strong to be really fast. He was more of a muscular sprinter.

This is not exactly the same thing as my “neural” or “muscular” dominant individuals.

What I mean by that is that some people are born with more facility to recover from intense neurological stimuli than others and are also more motivated by this type of work.

Others crash very easily from that type of work (normally low GABA individuals) and prefer the type of work that provides a good feeling and a low level of potential danger.


Kenny Croxdale