Need Help with Test Levels/Estradiol

Hey guys I am a new member here, currently 25 weighing in at 180 pounds.
I have been on a long journey of figuring out if I actually have abnormal hormone levels, been to many doctors in the past 5 years and just recently saw another one who I had high hopes for. Here are my lab results, please tell me what you think I should do and if these are indeed abnormal. I have never taking testosterone injections, and I have been working out since I was 17 most of the time ate clean but never got any results. Now I feel even worst than before, and it’s very difficult to drop the body fat and put on muscle.

SHBG- 16(10-50 nmol/L)

33 (16-79 ng/dl)

TESTOSTERONE, FREE 1.38 (0.87-5.47 ng/dl)

TOTAL TEST 412 (300-1000 ng/dl)

FSH 2.2 (1.7-11.2 mIU/ml)

ESTRADIOL 63.8 (20.0-75.0 pg/ml)

PROLACTIN 4.3 (3.3-20.8 ng/ml)

TSH 1.4 (0.5-6.0 uIU/ml)

The doctor I met today said I am fine, this is the 5th doctor that has said this but I don’t feel fine.

You have very high E2, so your problem might be strong aromatization of T to E2. I think you should consider taking Arimidrex, read the stickies and then decide how much you will need, most of guys start from 1/2 pill Every other day. Beacuse this is strong drug, and effect of decreased E2 to very low levels is dangerous for life.

5 doctors you meet - 5 morons/ignorants you meet

Thank you for the reply,

I had a feeling i needed arimdex, so you think every other day would help but for how long?
I am thinking of just getting it myself I am tired of useless doctors.

Also what would you recommend the testosterone levels, would perhaps clomid help?

To be honest I’m not specialists, and dont want to mess you health.

First of all you should do at once between 6-8 morning bloodtest: TT,E2,LH,FSH (and also TSH, FT3, FT4 -always worth to do it to make sure that everything is ok with your thyroid). To make sure from which level you start.

Second, Your TT 412 (middle range), your E2 is 63-very high

E2 is creating mainly from TT by aromatization (look at E2 pathway on web)

Arimidrex stop aromatization

So Arimidrex might help you, BUT as I wrote earlier read stickies, look on diffrent topics, check and try it. It’s very important to read stickies beacuse they will give you view on from which dose you should start, and determine after how long passage of time you should re check your TT,E2,LH,FSH.

Clomid - is for guys whom balls dont work-mean dont secret T, you secret T and lot of E2, so first start with Arimidrex and read - start from stickies-it will expand you knowledge

Check body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky.
Have you read the advice for new guys sticky?
If you don’t play the game, you cannot win.

Do not start multiple threads for your case.

You need these labs: -you have some now
AST/ALT [liver]
cholesterol [might be too low]

Do not use clomid, use nolvadex. And dose should be low to avoid even more E2 problems.

Check body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky.
Have you read the advice for new guys sticky?
If you don’t play the game, you cannot win.

Check body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky.
Have you read the advice for new guys sticky?
If you don’t play the game, you cannot win.

Check body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky.
Have you read the advice for new guys sticky?
If you don’t play the game, you cannot win.