Need Help Preparing for Cycle

Stats: 27yo, 6 ft, 160lbs, and low body fat, I’m guessing around 10%…I’m built like a toothpick, an unbreakable toothpick. I will post my work out and diet in the training section.

I need some advice about bulking up and planning out a sound cycle. The plan is to bulk up and prepare for the next year or so.

My first goal is to get about 10 or 15 pounds heavier within the next year, then start planning the cycle.

Also, I just got out of the state pin. So my diet was around 1600cal. Plus romin soups for the past 6 years. I have consistently worked out, I’m very lean I should gain fast with a good diet, I train hard

Any advice is greatly appreciated, I’m happy to be here at t-nation.

Welcome back to the world. The majority of the responses you will get are going to revolve areound training natural and eating for muscle gain for a couple years before you go for a cycle, and I kind of agree. I was 6’ 170 when I was 19, and when I adjusted my lifting (I used more on the man lifts) and fixed my diet (made sure I ate breakfast every day, and added mis-morning and -afternoon feedings), I put on 20 pounds in 4 months. I gained so quickly just from that, I was actually accused of juicing (quietly, not in a nasty way) by a couple female friends.

Having said that, check out the stickies in the ‘about the pharma category’ post at the top of the forum. Answers to all of your questions will be in there. Once you have read through there, use that info to formulate a plan and come back with a planned cycle asking for advice/critiques. You will get a lot more help that way.

Best of luck.