Need Help. Bench Press Form Check

I changed my shitty bench press form today.I did take a lot of videos from actual sets i pushed (till i realized the battery of the cam was dead).So the only thing left is the warmup set with the bar.Anyway is this any good?I tried to squeeze the buttocks while pushing through my heels and crush the shoulder blades together.I dont know if i succeded though…

wrists should always line up with your elbows unless you want to sprain your wrists, tear your triceps or limit the weight you’re pressing. what you’re doing actually looks more like a JM press.

[quote]fr0IVIan wrote:
wrists should always line up with your elbows unless you want to sprain your wrists, tear your triceps or limit the weight you’re pressing. what you’re doing actually looks more like a JM press.[/quote]
thanks .gonna try again tommorow and upload.

heres a working set with 80 kgs i did today.Its the first time i used such a wide grip in my life.I used to go a lot narrower but without such an arch.Felt a stretch in my pecs at the bottom.

wrist and elbow alignment are much better, think knuckles up and you’ll be fine.

first two reps were all over the place. concentrate on rowing the bar to your belly rather than just lowering it, keep your shoulder blades pinched together throughout the set and tuck your elbows in slightly. flaring them out can put more stress on your pecs and shoulder joints and will loosen your upper back tightness. also, squeeze the bar like your life depended on it.