Need Beach Body Advice

why do u care about my attitude

To be honest, I don’t really care, but you are clearly a troubled young man. By being more mindful of your own attitude and outlook on life, I think you may just get a better quality of living.

nah you like me lets be honest

I never said I don’t like you… I just think that we just have very little in common. There are several traits I have recognised in you from your brief time on Tnation:

You are a selfish pretty boy, I am a generous rugged bloke.

You lack some empathy and are quite flippant, I care for my friends and family and I am quite self assured.

You slander, poke fun and bullshit while hiding behind the internet, while I only say on the internet what I would say directly to a person.

You train your body to look prettier, I train my body and mind to be more resilient, confident and ready.

You take advice while simultaneously being disrespectful, I try to be gracious and show respect to all people who deserve and earn it.

You are impatient and entitled, I fight day and night for what I am going to achieve.

You have a lot of growing to do, and so do I. This is our common ground. Again, it’s not that don’t like you, I just believe it would serve you well to work on your attitude.


the humble brag is strong. thanks for lettin me know your feelings

Hardly humble! I called myself a generous rugged bloke in the 2nd paragraph! Anytime you need to hear my feelings, just ask.

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Definitely printing, framing, and reading this every morning. One of the best posts ever.

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