Natty on Pennies

Daily log - yesterday edition

Yesterday was a busy day in terms of work so I forgot about this


1740 Calories
230g Protein
70g Carbs
60g Fat

200 Calories worth of cardio (~20 minutes)

Nothing special really, just a regular rest day on diet

Got a call from work today asking if I could do some extra hours. Third time this week and it’s Wednesday morning. Naturally I agreed. I’ve now agreed to do 20 hours extra this week, which will pay me about 250 euros.

Yes, extra work does complicate my life a bit (especially my personal training stuff and my own training) but let’s think of it in the long term.

I’m not going to lose clients just because I have to schedule my stuff better, they won’t even notice. And 250 euros more per week? If I could do that all the time it would make 13 000 euros extra annually. (Plus holiday extras, minus taxes)

That’s a lot money. And to me personally, it’s worth it. I’ve always thought that whatever free time you have you should spend doing something productive, something that’ll make your future life easier. If I can earn a good amount of money now I won’t be in trouble if everything goes to shit five years from now. There won’t be a need to work hundred hours a week while trying to take care of kids if I work a lot now.

So yeah. Work.

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Go to love the daily grind! Keep up the good attitude mate.

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Thanks man, I’ll do just that. (Someone has to show @duketheslaya how things are done, am I right? :wink: )

Not gonna lie though, working 80-90 hours a week does take it’s toll, especially with limited calories. But in my mind, it’s all worth it.


You’re a good role model!


Love your work ethic!!

You’re crazy. I’d be shovelling away the calories just to avoid certain death :joy:


Thanks guys, I’d say a lot of it (for both) has to do with me being an older brother so I’ve always had to act a certain way - show how things are done. Be the cool guy, you know. Because your little brothers idolize you. You have to live up to it.

And again in the military, being a lance corporal and a squad leader in the military police was something that taught me a thing or two. The MP respect attitude and grit, and the squad leader must always be the toughest guy in the squad. Now the two other guys in my squad were lance corporals as well, both of them were really skilled and tough. So what’d I do? I’d work even harder, practice in my free time and always try and be more gritty than the next guy.

That was a really great environment as we were all at roughly the same level, and I wanted to maintain my position (which I did, by the way)

I do have my weak moments, but then I look at how much it would cost to binge out andstop right there. Like, even making a pizza from scratch is around five euros!

That’s insane.

I can eat for a whole day with that much money!

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Cool. Never knew you had a brother! Is he your only sibling? I have one sister.

Jeez. Bulking must be real expensive.

I can just imagine you becoming General lol

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I have two younger brothers

For me it’s usually 12-15€/day, so not exactly cheap

Working for the military wouldn’t be too bad really, but that’s not on the top of my list :smiley:

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I always wanted a brother. Are they a handful or do they leave there big scary brother alone haha?

Also that’s pretty expensive.

Do you see yourself going back to the military one day once you’ve achieved your other goals?

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We get along well every time we see (which is like once a month), the younger one is 10 now and let me tell you, ain’t nobody messing with him at the school

Good question. I think that for me military would be more of a backup plan or a plan B if I just want to change my life completely. Becoming a peacekeeper at some point isn’t out of the limits but it isn’t something I’d opt for if I can make a living some other way.

So in short, probably not but I won’t say “no” just yet.


Daily log:


2060 Calories
260g Protein
120g Carbs
60g Fat

1a Clap pushups
1b Explosive sternum chins
2a Incline bench
increase weight
2b Pull ups w/fat grips
3a Floor press w/fat grips
3b Wide grip low pulley row
4a Dip against band
4b EZ-Bar curl w/fat grips
5a Doubled band face pull
Side laterals leaning against a wall
5 minutes of cardio

I was feeling pretty tired going in but it turned out to be a decent session.

On incline bench I failed to get three or more reps on my amrap set for the first time. The bench I regularly use was out for maintenance so I had to use the other one which is wobbly and far too narrow for me. (I’ve got excuses for ya!) But really, today it wouldn’t have been there even with a better bench.

On pull ups my fat grips rolled quite a bit and I had to reset them after four reps on each set, so it was more like 5x4+2, didn’t really rest though. It was just a quick spin.

I trained alone so I switched board presses to floor presses and progressed 5kg/11lbs from last time I did it. Not bad.

On wide grip pulley rows I repped the stack for 5 sets of 15. Gotta figure out something new to replace it. Probably just gonna play with the angle of the pulley.

On dips I switched to a harder band, nothing special there.

The shoulder bit was real good once again. Doubled band face pulls are nasty for rear and side delts. They create a tremendous overspeed negative and you get a really good pump every time.

Along with side-ish laterals and side felt burns, side raises leaning against a wall are my favourite for side delts. They just work really well for me.

Time to sleep, it’s 11PM and I got to wake up at 4:30AM to go to work. After that, legs. (Why does it always have to be legs when the circumstances are the worst?)

Oh well.

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Does anyone have an explanation for “reverse veins”? The veins that are usually bulging out on my forearms and such have now sunken in and it look like my arm is full of trenches. Kinda disgusting but oddly exciting.

I’ve had this before, and as it only happens during diets I’m assuming it’s because of low blood pressure/not having as much nutrients flowing around.

Tried googling it and apparently I have breast cancer

Yeah breast cancer would have been my 1st guess. Prob should get a mastectomy just to be safe.

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Thanks man, I’ll stop by the hospital tomorrow so I don’t have to worry anymore

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Daily log


2060 Calories
260g Protein
120g Carbs
60g Fat

Pretty bad sleep, working late last night and going back in very early tonight. Probably got in around 4.5 hours of sleep in between.

Lower body

1 Front squat
increase weight
Followed by
Front rack holds at
150,200,225% of today’s max weight
2a Good mornings with a pause on pins (pin 9)
2b Kneeling cable crunch
3a Hamstring curl with an exercise ball
3b Leg press
3c Garhammer raise
4a Smith machine calf raise
4b Back extension - hands in pad
4c Russian twist
5 minutes of cardio


It’s been ages since I last front squatted, so I deloaded it by about 10%, which was a great idea. Front rack felt really solid and I was able to grind hard without ever losing tension on my quads.

Good mornings to pins with a pausewere a great idea. Now note it’s to pins, not from pins. So what I did was lower the weight - pause on pins - lift the weight I did not start from the pins. Now pin 9 is pretty high, definitely above parallel, but doing these parillo style (with a big arch) I was able to get a really good stretch on my hamstrings with a shorter range of motion.

Paired kneeling cable crunches with these, first one doing the exercise in ages and I repped the whole stack, gotta come up with something new.

After that, just regular bodybuilding stuff really, nothing special.

I was feeling quite beat up and tired going into this session, but I was able to make it at least a decent one. I’m still caffeine free as I do not feel like I’m in that dark place yet where I’d need caffeine. After the next diet adjustment it may come in handy, as the carbs are going down again (and potentially fat as well).

I’ve now pretty much eliminated all pulls from the floor, as they do not agree with my back at the time. I feel that for me the risk-reward ratio of low rack pulls and good mornings is greater than that of deadlifts at the moment.


Daily log


1740 Calories
230g Protein
70g Carbs
60g Fat

As you see, another poorly slept night with late eating (actually stayed up later to eat my last meal) and my weight is up again. Had to wake up early to go to work so there were no options really. The weight is coming from water retention caused by cortisol (stress). A couple of things that would help here are carbs, more sleep and just chilling out for a couple of days.

This is one of the moments where you must keep true to yourself. Certainly eating extra and taking a break would get my weight down, but so would sleeping more. The latter is more effective in the grand scheme of things, so that’s what I’m going to do. Eventually there will be times when I’m so deep into the diet that refeeds are objectively justified, but this is not it.

Hanging upside down
Messing around with two fingers per arm pull ups, single arm clean and presses and semi-single arm chins (holding the wrist with the other hand)
200 Calories worth of cardio

Just wanted to have some fun today, with this being a rest day.


Standing ab wheel rollouts :wink:

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Jesus man, I’m not a superhero!

But that’s not a bad idea though, maybe I’ll start on my knees. (Most I’ve done for ~12 reps is about 100 pounds on my back while kneeling so there’s a bit to progress in there.

Edit. It should probably be mentioned that that was done with my feet supported.

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Not a superhero but does +100 pounds for reps on kneeling ab wheel. Lol!

Ab wheels are tough. I would die if i tried a standing ab wheel.

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