Natty on Pennies

Psych major here lol.
Not too bad once you realize the infinite possibilities of it. Keeps you humble.

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I’ve studied a bit of psychology too, but just a bit (six courses - that’s about 150 study hours + whatever you spend studying by yourself).

Psychology is an interesting thing and I like learning more about it but it’s not something I want to build a career on.

I honestly can’t remember how many hours of psych I’ve done already. Stopped caring my first year of college lol.

I’m interested in the branch of psych that deals with therapy, psychiatry, and psychotherapy. I understand what it’s like to have difficulty dealing with being in your own head. It’s the only thing I’m good at. Although it’s ironic I don’t really talk to people lol.

Plus I have a weird fascination with listening to people and staring at them dead in the face when they talk lol. I try not to do it often, because it weirds people out.

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It must feel great to know what you want to do and to be able to do it

I take my hat off to you sir.

Seriously, nice work.


Thanks man, this “competition” was a great source of motivation


Excellent! I probably wouldn’t have touched the 150 lbs DB last week otherwise. Once I get to 20 on that I’ll need duct tape.

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Oh man, duct taping dumbbells is legendary. (It just doesn’t really feel too safe if you’re doing any kind of press with plates duct taped to your dumbbells, I almost smashed my face once)

I don’t know if it’s an international thing, but in Finnish we call duct tape “Jesus tape” (Jeesusteippi) and in my opinion that’s a great name for it.

Glad to hear you got driven by this too!

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I can’t completely decide between psych and the medical field when it comes to the financial security part, but I might just combine the two

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I thought about getting in med school too, but I realized that I didn’t really have the passion needed for such long studies, it was more of a need to gain bragging rights and get paid well - and that’s just not for me.

I realized that as I was in the parking lot of the med school, on the day of the entrance exams.

So I just cranked up some music and drove home.

Now don’t get me wrong, in my opinion getting paid well and not having to worry about where you’ll get money for food and rent and all that stuff is essential, but even more important is that you enjoy what you do.

If you can’t decide which studies to go for, combining them is a great idea!

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I wouldn’t really deal with surgeries or anything direct like that I’d just handle the aftermath and be included in research. Then the therapy part of it would be my main working stuff, and maybe prescribing stuff for depression, anger, or whatever else. But my main focus would be how well I can get people to learn how to live without meds, and express themselves, improvise, and not fear anything, and realize how much alike we are as humans rather than different. And whatever inventive ideas or new practices I come up with will be a side effect of that.

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To me it sounds like you should focus more on the psych studies if that’s your plan

That’s what the therapy part would entail, and the research part. It’s not really so much black and white, so I’ll have to figure out which parts come before which. Depending on if you’re an independent practioner or not also is something to consider. So I’ll figure it out.

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Sorry, just getting to responding to this now! Thanks so much for the thorough feedback. I’ll definitely look into trying out some of those other casein sources. Hadn’t even heard of them tbh. Cottage cheese has always been hard to stomach for me, so I’ll try see if there are any local stores with some quark.

When the budget allows, I’ll also try add in some ZMAs. I used to take those way back, but life was incredibly stress and pain free back then, so I couldn’t notice any real effect it had since my sleep and recovery were already fine. Perhaps I will notice a better effect now. I can definitely be a bit more diligent with my fish oil, particularly before bed.

Much thanks again, my man!

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I’m always happy to help (and really happy if I actually was helpful), so it’s nice to hear you got something out of it!

You should definitely try ZMA/a similar product when you can, it really improves your quality of sleep - or at least mine.

Quark is not all that popular outside of the Nordic countries, so it may be hard to find, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

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A month ago, I participated in entrance exams of a school, I was trying to get in in order to study physical therapy.

Now, the results are in.

But I’m not in, damn it.

The test was split in three parts - general stuff, psychological evaluation and an exercise test.

“General stuff” was mostly maths, English, Finnish and problem solving. I got the highest possible score from almost all of them.

The psychological part included an interview with a psychologist and several hundred questions about your personality and questions such as “how would you deal with this situation” etc. This went well, I got a bit over the required score from it.

But the exercise test. I knew it was going to be a pain in the ass but I didn’t think it would make me fail.

The exercise test was all about agility and knowing where your body is, it was running and jumping with different styles, fine motoric skills and improvised dancing.

I don’t want to complain, but it’s a bit different for me, a 6’4" guy, who has just recently grown a couple of inches, to be agile than it is for the 5’5" girl who has been 5’5" for three years. (And man, let’s be honest; compared to girls we guys are clumsy - especially on the dance floor. I know it’s not just me)

But I can’t blame it all on my size, I can’t dance at all and most of the running/jumping styles were completely new for me. I should’ve prepared better.

The worst thing about this is that now I need to apply for schools again during the army in order to get straight into a school after I get out of there (without wasting a year)

Better luck next time, I guess.


How’s that even relevant to physical therapy?


“my physio sucks, doesn’t know his ass from his elbow. But goddamn, he’s got some moves”


I’ve got no idea, and thus I was kinda pissed about not getting in because of it.

Next time I’m just gonna rip my clothes off and do a full-on bodybuilding posing routine the moment I hear one of the judges say “improvised dancing”

There is no chance for me to lose that way because everybody else will be too shocked to move.

“Man, I love the half-time show at my physio!”


LMAO nearly spat my cereal out!

This dancing crap for an exam seems ridiculous though. Especially when you aced the academic side of things. Although on a slightly selfish note, it’s refreshing to hear that there is something that you are excelling in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Gotta practice those dance routines! Haha

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