Nationalism - What Do You Think?

I love to go to Greece. The home of Plato, Aristotle and Alexander the Great…

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I found Italians to be absolutely lovely people.

If you take a step back and look at the history of the world. War, more or less, is the default position of the world; punctuated by moments of peace.
The US is a unique country but it’s not an island. We had wars, so did everyone else a good bit of the time.

I have heard students say negative things about Trump but these are schools that are majority Hispanic. I haven’t heard teachers talk about politics or say bad things about the US.

Because we are the best.

Wow you really know a lot, Plato is my favorite philosopher, somthng like the Spiritual father of mine, i even read his works in Ancient Greek which is a perfect language. Thank God you know the exact history too…
What’s going on in Greece lately has a lot of to do with Macedonia (that even the most uneducated person nows that its Greek) every people was protesting, getting down the street just peacefully sending the message that Macedonia is Greece what did government said? We don’t care weve already made our decision we won’t make a referendum and gave the sacred name of Macedonia to Skopje. Fuck Skopje had made a lot of investigations just to find a little piece of history to back up their lies of them being related to Alexander the Great(his fathers tomb and reign is located in Vergina, Greece lol) and what they’ve found? NOTHING! because simply they aren’t Macedonias but everybody outside Greece, as they don’t know history well just call them Macedonia bad for them cause if sometime they will travel there the tickets will be spent on nothing as they will expect to see the land of Alexander the Great, instead they probably get stolen or whatever without experiencing some history too, as everything is in Greece, even Alexander himself called himself Greek… Paranoia my friend but you come to Greece and you’ll be thankful!

Considering all those structural economic problems Greece is facing, it’s frankly amazing that the only thing that can make you guys lose your collective shit is the name of (Northern) Macedonia.

Yes, appropriating the legacy of Alexander the Great is very controversial (who by the way killed more Greeks than Persians ever had and claimed Greek identity for PR purposes ) but the Greeks have been behaving absolutely psychotic about it for the last 27 years.

You should worry about Erdogan and his dreams about the establishment of a neo-Ottoman Empire, not a smattering of Slavs just across the border in demographic decline.

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U don’t have to worry for out worries and there’s no Macedonia than the greek one.
Greek people fought turks then and if needed will now, but u should know that turkey is supported from bigger heads and in reality is a very fragile state that just follows orders just to serve else’s interests.
What exactly is controversial? That he is Greek?
Everybody knows that what u are saying there is anabsolute propaganda that only dangerous people spread, there’s nothing to negotiate about History if u want give the new state ig Skopje your name of state so as they manage to finally create an identity my friend as the only psychotic is them, you and everybody that cannot handle the truth.
Um talking with simple facts (IF MACEDONIA WHERE THERE AND ALEXANDER WASNT GREEK, THEN WHY THEY CANT FIND ONE SINGLE EVIDENCE ONE BROKEN MARBLE TO SAY THAT THEY WERE IN THE REGION BUT COME TO GREECE AND YOU WILL SPOT EVERY STEP IF ALEXANDER AND HIS FAMILY, HIS GREEK TEACHER ARISTOTLE AND AS FAR AS HE KILLED MORE GREEKS THATS AN ABSOLUTE LIE, I can’t explain the history here just search for yourself about the Persian war and the Greek proverb Not a Greek is a barbarian now go take a pill read some history and do not be so sensitive, History is not for sale.

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You mean like that Demosthenes guy? Of course, assuming we can trust Livy.

I think you’re inadvertently proving my point. For the record, (Northern) Macedonian appropriation of Alexander is ridiculous, but you’re assuming that a geographical denomination has to change with the changes ethnicity of inhabitants which is also frankly ridiculous.

I think the Archeological Museum in Skopje disagrees with this one. Holy crap, now I see why people take their side.

I’m afraid you absolutely picked the wrong guy to argue Alexander facts with.

Without scoring an easy goal and dragging Philip II into this, I’ll stick to Alexander - ever heard of the Siege of Thebes and it’s subsequent razing? Also, you might want do some research into the ethnic makeup of the Persian Army during the battles of Granicus and Issus (hint: Greek hoplites in Persian service)

Lol why picked the wrong guy?
The fact that you read some books writing whatever they want doesn’t mean you know something more dear.
The what in Skopje??? Ah ah ah haha hah haha an archaelogical hahaha there is a reason they call it this way and it isn’t for sure for some caricatures of statues they gipsies filled their fake state just to convince the ignorant poor tourists about their descendant, and some things Ano Dominic found (if found there and they didn’t stole)
Well yeah, welcome to the world, people believe and take the side of lies too, why u so surprised of some idiots taking their place in the first place man?
If u know history then tell me when and why the state of Skopje emerged some time in the past years?
Search about Stravon, and thats what I’m talking about, when Greeks fought and won Persians under Alexander’s leadership then Alexander made a statue writing “All the Greeks, except Lacedaemons etc” to commemorate the fact… “All the Greeks” for Gods sake talking about him, his Macedonia army and the other greek "polis "… Back then they had their own dome u can’t talk about the past using data of today to understand, search more and if u like History see the Truth, giving the name of Macedonia to some slavs will eventually turn against the whole world noy Greece’s only, not a matter of morals only.


Pro tip - if you want to convince the international public that you’re in the right, lay off the racial slurs and conspiracy theories.

Like I said, with the risk of offensive generalization, the Greek behavior seems completely deranged when it comes to the naming controversy. A stereotype that’s you’ve pretty much confirmed with your stream-of-conciousness post.

Well it seems that my books trump the knowledge acquired through the Greek educational system. I’ve walked the ruins of the great city Alexander burned after being dared by a drunked whore.

Also, Demosthenes is probably a bigger authority on supposed Greekness than yourself.

Incidentally, you should read up on Alexander’s fantasies to create a joint Macedonian-Persian identity from conquerors and conquered, something similar the proclaimed “Protector of all Greeks” did before that…in Greece.

I don’t understand, 98 years ago you guys were all hysterically and rapture-like into restoring the Romean Empire, reconquering Constantinople and crowning another Constantine in Hagia Sophia, what made you suddenly obssess over Alexander?


Bro, you hate co-ops and love Pharma, derelict!

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Yeah yeah its the easiest way my dear to call me racist etc and then u do not have to say much as u used the big F word yeah yeah but Here’s one thing I do not want to convince anyone about the fact that 1+1=2,Macedonia is Greece.
Of course my behavior will be like that the blood of my family had been given for Macedonia,they fought as every Greek back then without counting properties or family for Honor and as many families here we are forever thankful and never will we stop honoring their sscrifice, my grandfather still remembers, what are you talking about??:joy:
I’d be crazy if I forgot but u have every right to talk using forged books etc I told u it means anything if I’ve read some books that u know history stop making a big deal about it, I won’t be ur history teacher but again back there Demosthenes only wanted Athenians to get control of the Greek leadership and not Macedonians, big mistake of him as he didn’t lose any chance attacking Philip who wanted to unit Greeks against barbarians.
Again ur books or anyone’s books doesn’t mean anything don’t be stupid they would’ve made u a historian if books alone made us a know-it all and I won’t comment ur triumph over the educational system as what can I say about yours that made u so ignorant of basic things?:joy: come on!
so what u went there, been there too, been in Vergina,Pella, Aigai why exactly does that count?

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I’me genuinely curious to hear when did this happen.

So the territory of Alexander’s and Philip’s Macedonia from 2300 yeara ago is currently divided among two countries - Greece and the other that musn’t be named ™.

So the Slavic population living in what are the northern lands of Ancient Macedonia cannot use the word “Macedonia” in any shape or form because you completely lose your shit, start dropping racial slurs and ranting like you’re possesed?

Sooo… Books are bad in general? Or just “forged books” from world’s foremost clacissists?

There is a reason why the Romans referred to the Greeks as greeklings.

Thebes, where I believe only one house was left standing.

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We are all a lttile Greek. They founded western civilization.
I would be absolutely facinated by touring the historic sites.

There is a little town in the Czech Republic called Kromeriz. There is a chateau there where they filmed the movie “Amadeus”. Inside there is a room full of acient Greek and Roman busts frim as early as 2 BC. It was amazing to see (and touch) these ancient artifacts. The sculpting talent was so amazing.
The cool thing was you could tour these millions of dollars worth of treasures for 50 cents.
I would like to go to Pompeii as well. I could spend a month in Greece just soaking it all in.


That’s not a worry as a tourist.

“Gypsy” isn’t a racial slur. That’s what they are.
The fact that it brings up negative connotations is nobody’s fault but their own.
Gypsies attempted to rob me twice in Italy, which at the time was full of them.
Now there are racial slurs Europeans use for gypsies, but the word ‘gypsy’ is not one of them.


No. I believe what my friend @poisoneve is simply saying that books cannot compare to living and working and a lifetime worth of experience in a given place.

Like for me, you can read about Georgia , but I and my fellow Geogians will still know and understand the place better no matter how much you read about it.
Of couse, I don’t know where the Confederate gold is, I wish I did. I just need 1 bar.


In Italy zingaro (the Italian word that translates to the English word gypsy) is also a slur. It is used against the Rom as well as non Rom.

And guess who they have to pay off in order to do that.