Nationalism - What Do You Think?

Do you believe in nationalism?



Nothing wrong with it.
It’s actually good for people to love their nation and be proud of it.

But hating people of other nationality and even worse, doing hate crimes on them because they are other nationality… that is definitley not OK.

Extremism is never good.



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Yeah, I think its something natural that comes inside people’s souls but you know there are some crazy leftists that will condemn it etc :joy:

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Loving country - good
Hating other countries - bad
Talking about about how other country is inferior - fine, although healthy outlook on one’s own country is necessary.

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Yes. Looking back at history, nationalism is what made America the beacon of freedom. Most of our products were made here. We had a very high quality of life. When threatened with war, the citizens came together with a single mindedness and produced an output not matched since. They sacrificed for the good of the country as a whole.

Frankly, we will probably never be that way again.


I agre, I also never understood lefties.

They claim to respect everyone’s opinion - until someone says something they disagree with and they go nuts… LOL

They also often dress weird…


Depends on what is meant by nationalism, of course.

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Haha yees completely crazy!
The only right way of thinking is their way xD

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Totally agree!
But there are some “traditional enemies” for every nation so I think a little dislike wouldn’t harm :joy:

I’m curious about learning your opinion about America’s civil war…

You just described nationalism.

Freedom and capitalism did that.

Wasn’t Hitler a leftist? Mao? Stalin? Pol Pot?

Zecarlo - my interpretation of this thread is that the connotation of nationalism isn’t consistent with the definition.

But it is consistent with it in practice.

Yes. You protect your home first. And for most of us, the USA is our home. That doesn’t mean we cannot play nice with others. But the truth is that there are a fair amount of nations who wish us harm. We have a duty to protect our home first. When our home is secure we can reach out to others.


National socialism was definitely NOT a leftist movement lol
That’s the reason that many NationalSocialists say that nationalism without socialism is sobinism and socialism without nationalism is communism

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I really don’t want to get drawn into a discussion about the Civil War as it is highly inflammatory but…

What I think you’re asking me if the confederate states were practicing nationalism. I guess my answer would be that they were practicing “stateism”, which I guess is nationalism on a smaller scale. This, combined with a desire to protect a certain economic way of life and a desire to resist a national government telling them how to manage their livelihoods and businesses.

Do I think this justified the subjugation of an entire race? No, of course not.