My TRT/HCG Journey

They can be efficient, depending on the individual. Warm lemon water is also helpful for some - although I honestly don’t understand the mechanism by which warm lemon water works.

I have relative low estradiol(around 20).
Is is it bad for me to take DIM? I mean I cannot understand whether DIM lowers estrogen or converts bad estrogen to good one(I’ve read this on many places)

It is not bad for you to take DIM, unless it makes you feel bad when you take it. It will most likely have no effect whatsoever on you, which is the case with most supplements for most people.

First you say it can be efficient, now that it will not work.

I know dr John Chrisler used to always try first to control estrogen with these two supplements and also dr Keith Nichols does it when estrogen goes out of hand.

I was wondering if estradiol is already low(I know mine is too low) whether this can crash it additionally. I’m not sure I feel anything from it.

But I have still ED from time to time since I tried to take clomid for 10 days and I stopped it like 16 days ago. Like still this shit is in my system…

Clomid will be with you to some extent for another 14 days or so. DIM could be efficient, or might do nothing. I don’t know what your body will do, it’s something that you have to try to know. In my personal experience most supplements do absolutely nothing, so that is my general expectation going in, but sometimes they work great and it’s a nice surprise.

Dr. Nichols never recommends controlling estrogen with DIM or AIs. He will use a AI in the rare instance of mastalgia.

I might be mistaken but I’m almost certain I heard him saying it in one podcast

Ok updates,

I got crazy surge in libido the type that makes you hit walls :joy: twice a week, I feel it’s Maybe related to mistakenly slight increase in HCG but not sure.

I added l Carnitine and L arginine works amazingly in improving ED. I tested l carnitine a lone without anything at one point and did help.

So now doing HCG250 l carnitine and l arginine.

Getting LAB test tomorrow to see if I am still in the same range. May increase HCG a bit if so.

I can with 100% certainty say that he has never recommended controlling estrogen in any of his podcast. He doesn’t even measure it in men and none of his male patients have “high estrogen symptoms”. You may have heard him speak about the fact he used to control estrogen in himself and his patients with an AI until he learned better. I bet that is what you heard.

I am thinking my hcg injections is wrong or my medication is not working. I am inje ting using 30g .3mm insulin in the abdomin area, I injected 300iu day before yesterday noon time and yesterday morning did test turn out as if I didn’t inject anything !

Should I be injecting hcg IM instead of SC ?