My TRT Experience - Opinions Wanted

He also has me on HCG and an ipamorelin/sermorelin blend.

Noticeable Symptoms of Low Estrogen:

Decent erections but ho-hum orgasms
Joint cracking or soreness
Fatigue and depression
Blunted emotions
Possible weakening of adrenal glands
Excessive jealousy
Low blood pressure
Excessive urination
Increased abdominal fat

Side effects of anastrozole:

  • constipation,
  • diarrhea,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting
  • upset stomach,
  • loss of appetite
  • body aches and pains
  • bone pain
  • breast swelling/tenderness/pain,
  • headache,
  • dry mouth
  • scratchy or sore throat
  • increased cough,
  • dizziness,
  • trouble sleeping (insomnia),
  • tiredness,
  • weakness
  • flushing and sweating,
  • hair thinning,
  • weight changes,
  • depression,
  • mood changes,
  • problems with your fingers while gripping, or
  • numbness, tingling, cold feeling, or weakness in your hand or wrist

Well, that explains my joints and fatigue. My knees have been cracking louder than ever and sore.

Very typical. It will take months/years for them to get better. A LOT of experience with that on this board.

Crap. Thanks for helping out man, appreciate the time/info.

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Called my doc. He said to stop the AI for 2 weeks, let estradiol come back up, then switch to .5mg Arimidex. I had concerns about my test being 1400, but he said that was fine. Normal range is up to 1000, should I be concerned about test outside of the normal range?

Weak hollow bones of an ostrich, these things occur in men who take AI’s long term, there is no benefit to blocking estrogen in the long term, AI’s should only be used in extreme circumstances and ceased once you get rid of the visceral fat causing the high estrogen.

Normal ranges continue to decrease and last year the ranges were lowered and you should never go along with it. Chances are in 20 years the ranges will be lowered again and the new normal will be known. As long as you CBC labs look fine, then there’s nothing wrong with higher levels especially if your body is responding well to it.

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Doc doesn’t get how bad of a job he did.
I’d give him a Z grade.

If his doctor was aware of what the studies are showing, he would have to reevaluate his treatment protocols or risk getting in trouble down the road.

.125 anastrozole is enough to come close to crashing me, couldn’t have imagined where I would be after taking 1mg. I took a pinch of anastrozole (no joke) and had erections within the hour and they lasted all day long!

2 weeks may not enough time to allow estrogen to recover.

That’s crazy and yes very sad how they don’t watch out or pay attention.

I had to pipe in here. This is the WRONG ANSWER. Your e2 will not normalize that quickly and you will just keep digging yourself deeper.

Hey if you want years worth of joint problems ( and I mean almost being crippled) keep taking that AI.


I can’t tell you guys how thankful I am for sharing your knowledge. There is so much contradicting information from “experts”, it’s tough to discover what’s legit. When I initially started treatment, my e2 was “high” ( sorry, don’t have numbers ). So with serum @ 1400 is that a concern? Once I stop AI and my e2 raises, basically don’t worry about it?

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You know, I was an avid CrossFitter for 5 years and had developed a high level of athleticism ( please reserve judgement, I know it’s controversial but I loved it ). I stopped because of joint issues…wonder if it was just AI all along.

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If you were taking the AI at the time then you probably have your answer.

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Yep, I was. .5mg Arimidex


At the time, I thought it was adrenal fatigue. I was a 5-day/week guy. I stopped, went the personal trainer route but still joint issues.

Took me 3 months to rehab my shoulders after I crashed my E2.

You need to keep an eye on your HCT (% of red blood cells) Your’s is high and if it continues to climb you will have issues. Most of us can only run >1000 TT for a period of time before some if not all the bad side effcts start plaguing you.

I’m going to stop AI altogether. Based on what I’ve learned, this should bring Test down a bit due to not blocking conversion to e2, subsequently raising e2.

For HCT, I do therapeutic blood donations every 2 months to keep that under control. Been an issue since I first started.