My Story and Some Help is Needed. (Labs Included)

Links found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys - need more info
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • thyroid basics - check body temperatures as suggested
  • HPTA restart

Labs, have more?:
FT low
TT low
E2=28 high vs T levels
LH/FSH low
prolactin low-OK
hematocrit ?
fasting cholesterol - could be too low
fasting glucose ?
AM cortisol [at 8AM please]
TSH high
fT4 OK
fT3 ?

If body temps are low, can be from not using iodized salt - might affect whole family.
Do you feel cold easily?
Outer eyebrows sparse?
Dry skin?
Thyroid enlarged, lumpy, sore, asymmetrical?

TSH should be nearer to 1.0, something is wrong.
Low thyroid function takes away your energy and affects every cell and organ in your body.

With low T, E2 should be low. Something is wrong and anastrozole will be essential