My Road to 1200lbs (with Videos)

For those who cared to follow this log I have a new one now. Just started working with Brandon Lilly and his Cube Method. I’m training for a PL meet in March right now.

Stopped logging becuase I just got really busy. Started massage therapy school in July, which is a weekend course, and have until Dec. til I graduate. On top of that I have a full time drywall job during the week to pay for it. To say I was having a hard time recovering is an understatment. So when I first caught wend of the ideas in the cube method I started using it and immediatly stopped feeling like shit all the time. But, to get ready for a meet I knew I would need some help and B.Lilly opened up some spots for online coaching so I messaged him and got started. 2 weeks in now.