My Ode to the Greatest Vegetable!

Are Doc stig and Warlord stig once and the same?
If so, I take it that the revolutionary fighting in wales is going well, have you secceeded from England yet>?

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I like broccoli raw with either Ranch or Bleu Cheese salad dressing.

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Steamed broccoli and lemon pepper = yum!!

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[quote]BarneyFife wrote:
Are Doc stig and Warlord stig once and the same?
If so, I take it that the revolutionary fighting in wales is going well, have you secceeded from England yet>?[/quote]

I actually live just over the Welsh border in the Roman City of Chester. But don’t tell anyone.

There is a law that still stands that you can shoot a welshman with a bow if found in the city after a certain time. Also the town hall clock has three faces except a lack of a fourth on the Welsh facing size. Apparently, Chester won’t give the Welsh the time of day so the saying goes.

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[quote]Nomancer wrote:
The broccoli kale cross above.

Wow, from a quick websearch about broccoli flower:

the funny thing about broccaflower is that one half of its components are already a hybrid. Broccoli that is. So Broccaflower is in fact 3/4 cauliflower and 1/4 peas.[/quote]

Is that like a fractal flower or something?

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[quote]Rockscar wrote:
Peas and liver suck.

I love broccoli and cauliflower and even brussel sprouts…something about those peas though. My parents used to put a timer on me after I refused to eat them and the table was all cleared except mine. 5 minutes…tick tock.

I’d also spit my liver into my napkin…got busted every time.

I have childhood food issues.[/quote]

I hate peas too, but I love baby peas. They have a taut texture like a water balloon that’s about to burst and they’re sweet instead of bland and powdery like typical peas.

“Well then, my goal becomes clear: the broccoli must die.”

  • Stewie Griffin
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