My new workout program

I was wondering if anyone has any comments or suggestions for my workout program that I made.I am going to go to college in a week,and I am going to start this workout program whne i go to college.My goal is strength not size,I wan’t to become as strong as possible with out gaining to much weight.The program is as of know three days a week,two seperate sessions each day,one upperbody,one lowerbody,6 sessions total a week.
Monday session one,upper body
3sets to failure



dumbell flys

military press

shoulder press

Grip strength

hammer levers

3sets each hand

farmer walks
2 walks


pavel bear routine


step ups

front squat


session one,upperbody
3sets to failure

pavel bear routine


incline benchpress with dumbells 3x5
shoulderpress with dumbells

grip strength
one hand dumbell lifts

hang from pullup bar
2 times
romanian pulls



session one,upper body
3sets to failure



dumbell flys

pavel bear routine

bent-over rows


grip strength

3 sets each hand


farmer walks
2 walks

pavelbear routine


step ups

backward lunges

diagonal lunges


I think you have too many exercises for a strength microcycle. If a Hypertrophy micro- cycle then yeah use more exercises. Lunges on a strength micro? Lunges have their place more in hypertrophy training. So I would ditch them along with the flys and any other single jointed exercise unless you have a specific weakness with “said” muscle. I also think I would go for more of a 5 x 5 routine. Lastly…according to Poliquin for twice aday training with respect to strength. Train the same muscles with the same exercise in the morning and in the evening sessions. Think inter and intra muscular co-ordination not sarcoplasmic or sarcomer growth. Although that training heavy should cause sarcomer growth. I think I was at least mildly helpful. :slight_smile:

Way to much volume for a strength cycle…training with that kind of intensity that often will at best leave you over trained and at worst injured. You would need a boat load of anabolics, as well as revolving your life around eating and sleep to even have hopes of recovering from this type of program. That’s not gonna happen in collge. Read some of the posts on the forum and look through the archieves of t-mag for a better approach to your training program.

Way too many lifts! Pick a few you want to get good at, maybe one other as assistance for each & do set after set of them instead of just a few sets on a bunch of different lifts. If you want to get strong, why do you have your sessions split into upper/lower body instead of different lifts? Do you want a strong upper body or to be strong on the bench press (or whatever-notice the difference?) Not very many people know the secret to adding a bunch of exercises to add strength to the main lifts (Charles Poliquin doesn’t seem to), so that’s more of a ‘don’t try this at home’ thing. Stick to the basics (squat, rows, press, etc) they work really good. Same with grip/hand stuff IMO. Pick ONE thing (out of crush, pinch, forearm/wrist) & do it 6 times/week & do as much as possible when you’re fresh, so that your hands are sore every waking moment; to get strong hands you’ve got to do things that others will think is absolutely crazy, take it from me.

Quick overview of the differences between Accumulation (Hypertrophy) and Intensification (Strength) training:

Accumulation: More exercises (2-4 per body part), higher reps (6-7 or more), fewer sets (2-4 sets per exercise), higher volumes (number of sets times number of reps), lower intensities (below 80% of 1RM), shorter rest intervals (30-90 seconds).

Intensification: Fewer exercises (1-2 per body part), lower reps (1-6), more sets (10-12 total sets per body part), lower volumes, higher intensities (80% and above of 1RM), longer rest intervals (3-5 minutes).

That being said, I agree with everything above. If you want to get stronger pick a few lifts and stick with them. After 5-6 sessions focusing on them, you could shift to new ones for a while for a change of pace. If you’re interested in focusing specifically on one lift, try a specialization program. Maybe you use a Westside routine, or just pay attention to strengthening your external rotators, delts, chest, lats, and triceps for improving your bench press.

Again, if you plan to train twice per day with strength as your goal, you should use the same exercises in each session. According to Poliquin, some options would be:

Option A
Morning: Heavy
Evening: Light

For example, do 4-6 reps in the morning and 12-15 reps at night. The higher reps might even yield some size increases.

Option B
Morning: Low reps, fast tempo
Evening: Low reps, slow tempo

For example, do 4-6 reps on a 30X tempo in morning, and 5-7 reps on a 505 tempo in the evening.

Option C
Morning: Heavy
Evening: Eccentric-only

For example, do heavy front squats in the morning (6 sets of 2-3 reps on a 501 tempo), and eccentric back squats in the evening (7 sets of 1 rep on a 10-0-1 tempo). Some people would debate me on using eccentric training in a strength program, but my feeling is that you’re young; try some new things and learn to love variety.

Be sure to pay close attention to post-training nutrition and to make sure that ONLY 4-6 hours elapse between sessions. Also, don’t train with two-a-days for more than two weeks without shifting to once-a-day training for at least one week.

Lastly, from one college student to a soon-to-be college student, I think you need to really think about what you’re doing. Are you going to college to lift weights or get an education? MILLIONS of students fail out in their first semesters because they just don’t put enough of a priority on their studies, and they aren’t even diligent trainers. Right now, you’re looking at three hours a day, three times per week dedicated to training. And, assuming that you watch your diet, that’ll be some more time out of your schedule. After a while, you might find that you can swing such a schedule. However, I would strongly urge you to stick with a once-a-day training program (3-4 days per week) until you get acclimated to your new surroundings. Also, you can count on training in very crowded gyms if you’re only going on MWF. I like to organize my training so that I go both Saturday and Sunday. I’m sure that you’re aware that the vast majority of the college population is either hungover or still drunk on those days. As such, you’ll not only have relatively empty gyms, but you’ll also know that those around you are at least somewhat dedicated trainers and, as such, competent spotters:) Good luck.

Switch things up after 5-6 sessions? No way! Stick to the basics, if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.

I’m not saying ditch the exercises necessarily; just change the sets and reps schemes. Poliquin has said time and time again that six sessions is the longest that one should stay with the EXACT same program. Minor variations are what make the difference.

Ummmmmm I kinda disagree with Poliquin as too how much he likes to change exercises and sets and reps. I’d say stick too the same exercises and rep ranges for 6-8 weeks depending on training age and goals. For strength definately stay longer with the same workout than for hypertrophy. Also stay longer the younger your training age is. :slight_smile:

Thanks guys for all the advice,it was really helpfull.I’m definelntly going to cut out a bunch of exercises,and keep things simpler.
I was wondering though if anyone has any advice on when to do plyometrics,and frequency considering I am lifiting 3 times a week.

How about a program where plyometrics are done and then later that day maximum strength work.
The program would be upperbody day one,lowerbody day two,day three rest,upperbody day 4,lowerbody day 5,day 6 and day 7 rest
for example
day one
session one
clap pushups
medball throws
benchpress drop and catch,

overhead medicine ball throw,

session 2,
Incline Benchpress

Go to issue #1. Read the article training with maximal weights. This will get you where you need to be.