My HTF Training Progress

I tried to break it up, make it easier to read********

I have been using Waterbury’s HTF for about a month now. I have to say I feel great about it. Some people are probably a little put off by working out so many times a week. But here is what I have been doing this far. I hit a full body routine, trying to mix it up as I go.

Mon- 4x6
Flat Bench/Row
Squat(1x20 rotating)
Shoulder press

Incline bench/ Pull up
Lateral raises

Flies/Lat Pull
Leg Ext/Leg Curl
Shoulder press/Lat raise


Flat bench/Row
Shoulder Press

Incline Bench/Lat pull
Leg work
shoulder work

That was the first week. I then changed the set/rep for the following week. I also increased the weights as I could. On the 4th week I decreased my load and set/rep to about 4sets 12-15 reps. Now I am including a little 10x3 in my week.I aslo have upped my volume adding two exercises per body part. So far I feel great, and have no signs of overtraining. I have gotten a little stronger in some of the lifts. I also have regained some of the size in my arms that I had lost during a weight loss cycle.

I know you see a lot of arm work but I mix it up a lot as far as reps and sets. I really try to hit them hard about 3x’s a week.

Anyone else have any results w/this program?

I’m currently doing a Waterbury HFT program and I’m liking what I am seeing. My schedule allows me to get in the gym pretty much daily, so it works well for me.


[quote]Danny McLarty wrote:
I’m currently doing a Waterbury HFT program and I’m liking what I am seeing. My schedule allows me to get in the gym pretty much daily, so it works well for me.


If you dont mind me asking, what exercises are you using? and how often per week?

Doing HFT now, I’m in my third phase. I really like my results so far. Will be posting pics next week.

Anyone want to share their routines?