My Calves Experiment

Why not also train calves dc style?

This guy zraw seemed to have added some mass to his calves doing them that way.

I’ll contest that doing them this way have already helped me to. Trust me I have the worse calve genetics ever, you know that ultra high insertion point.

Trust me though if you get a good weight where you begin to tremble at rep 7 and push until rep 12.

You just do one set of 12 reps on seated or standing don’t matter. You just explode up, hold and squeeze hard as fuck at the top I count 1 mississipi 2 mississipi, then slowly lower the negative to the bottom position and you hold that stretch for a real good 15-20 seconds. Then repeat.

If you do this right like I said by rep 7 you will want to quit but somehow someway even if you have to bite your tongue and mutter a big mess of profanity just GET IT DONE!!

I have yet to try John Romans routine. I will when dc style stops working. Diamonds in the Rough

Utilize both of these and what you’re thinking of doing and I guarantee you’ll add some size or else you probably have the worse calve genetics in the world.