My 5x5 Questions

Hi, i was reading alot about Gaining weight and such
and i heard many people talk about this 5x5 program
i just had a couple questions
such as…

  1. do i have to use the same weight through out all sets? then add 5 pounds next week?

  2. can i develop my own program?
    2a) if so then would this work
    squat 5x5
    bench press 5x5
    dips 5x5
    push ups 5x5
    THIS would be day A

Then DAY B
would be
deadlift 5x5
military press 5x5
bent over rows - 5x5
pullups 5x5

and if this is okay
then i would do

and etc

here you go boss it explains it all in there. as for doing you own thing one of the articles in that link eloquently said every bodybuilder has ADD so do yourself a favor and unless you truly are an advanced lifter dont fuck with the program if you just want to add mass. personally i find the squats are what really helps put on mass so squatting three times a week versus the two you said above is better but thats my opinion. as for weights you want to ramp them up which you can see explained above or done for you here about three quarters of the way down the page

the above link also has another style of 5x5 but i like the one in the first link better. ive done 5x5 before and really did well so if you have any other questions just shoot

When you say “this” 5x5 program I don’t know which you mean, as there have been very many such things.

On questions as to whether weight stays the same between sets and so forth, rather than take the approach of “It has to be done this way,” “No this is the way to do it,” “What are you fools talking about, it should be like this,” etc, I would rather simply explain what I see as the relative advantages/disadvantages and reasons for using each variation.

  1. Same weight all 5 sets, a weight you can do for all 5 sets, increasing weight with time until missing the last set, then sticking with weight till again getting for all 5 sets.

This method allows greater frequency of training (number of days per week), and more total volume per week. It is a more strength-training approach.

  1. Same weight all 5 sets, but reps drop with sets as the routine outcome. You increase weight so long as able to get 5 reps on the first set, or some other principle, rather than waiting on getting 5 reps for all 5 sets.

This does not allow as much total volume of training and may also limit frequency compared to the above. Call it a mixed approach.

  1. Going for 5 reps each set but dropping weight each set the minimal amount required to just barely get the 5 reps.

This even moreso will tend to limit total volume of training and, likely, frequency. It may be a completely satisfactory bb’ing approach.

Any of these methods is tilted more towards strength training goals by having more rest between sets; and of them is tilted more towards hypertrophy by having less rest between sets.

The differing ways of approaching those questons, not surprisingly, have somewhat differing outcomes. It isn’t that one is “the” way and the others are wrong.