Muslim Bashing by GOP Candidates? Nothing New Here

Says you
Can also be found in this thread

[quote]- Instrumentally using existing Western institutions until they can be converted and put into service of Islam;

  • Drafting Islamic constitutions, laws and policies for eventual implementation;[/quote]

‘The event is a rally, a call for the Sharia, a call for the Muslims to rise up and establish the Islamic state in America,’ said Imam Anjem Choudary, one of the proposed speakers.[/quote]

The process of implementing Muslim family law will not be accomplished overnight. Changes of their type take place very slowly in American society, and our community is far from being prepared for this tak. I commend the continental council of Masajid for organizing this conference, and bringing together so many workers and thinkers. I pray to Allah the real decisions are made here that can be implemented by those ready to work. However, I strongly urge that consideration be given to political realities and the sensitivities of the American public. Such a radical change in American lawâ??allowing Muslims to take control over their family law issues - must be initiated from the indigenous Muslim community here in the United States. To have it seem that this initiative is originating from overseas or from organizations financed overseas, would create a very negative impression that would likely destroy this effort.[/quote]

Might get shit on for this but oh well.

It’s not that all muslims wants to take over or be terrorists, it’s that the one’s that do, are pretty fucking bad. I’ve had the opportunity to meet what I believe to be moderate muslims, and I don’t look at them any differently than anyone else.

The best thing the moderate muslims could do to remedy this, is to not enable them(the radical) any more, ie don’t just be silent about their actions, condemn them for the injustices they do.

I have some friends in Serbia, if you wanted to own land there, you can, as long as a Serbian can own land where you’re from. It’s called reciprocation.
I look at immigration the same way. If my countries citizens aren’t safe in your country, then why would we allow that countries citizens to immigrate here? You’re literally importing potential problems. It’s a potential trojan horse just waiting to happen. At best, I would think that heavy screening(ie background check) of anyone wanting to immigrate to your country from areas where your countries citizens aren’t safe, would be appropriate. I hope that came out how I think it did.