Muscle Building Advice

I weighed myself today and i only weigh 160lbs. I want to build muscle and clearly its not working since ive been going down in weight. I do one hour(minimum) cardio one day and one hour weightlifting the other day. I never take a day off and i want to keep it that way if i can.

I am seeing improvements with my strength and boxing but i know im not eating right because ive lost 4 pounds in 6 days.i really want to get bigger but i dont want to slow down on training

With this much training how much should i be eating? can someone give me an example of a diet plan for me? like i said i weigh 160 lbs so i should be getting 160 g protein daily aswell ?

Yeah up your protein to 160-180g maybe 200g. even if still not gaining

Get some intra workout supps for weights day. Ideally Plazma, if not within budget then bcaas/amino drink is a good start

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There aint only one simple answer here.

I’ve picked natural whole foods and ate until i hate life, and gained significant weight. Just writing down something very rough that can shape your mind

Get 3 solid meals a day, each consisting plenty of;

.Starch (potatoes/rice/oats/ maybe even pasta or bread)
. Fat (if the meat is lean)
. A portion of Veg

And have snacks/ shakes in between. I’d go for shakes since liquid is easier to go down. The options here are endless, play with whole milk/yogurt, protein powders, nut butters, raw eggs, bananas, honey etc.

If you’re not counting every calories (which is understandable), then eat until you’re weight is going up as desired. Keep in mind that going up too quick is probably fat gain and might slow your boxing. Roughly 300-400 above maintenance is good. As an ex athlete i’d say dont be obsessed with weight but performance, as long as youre getting strong its prob fine.

Good Luck

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I agree with outlaws. You want to gain some weight but you do not want to get fat. Weight with muscle and shape is always the best!