MSM Journalism, Now We Have Proof They Lie All the Time!

But, but… you’re Asian!? You guys are supposed to be born speaking code.

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Haha only the Indians. Us yellow ones are only good at math.

Seriously, have you ever tried to pick up Hindi or Tamil? It’s like 2x harder than Mandarin.

“I’ll give you a hint. His name’s ‘Yang’”. Cracks me up every time I watch this.


That’s awesome…

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I don’t think Hollywood’s going to allow scenes like this anymore. Fuck Hollywood.


It depends. Python as a language is relatively easy compared to Java, which is easier than C++. C++, is used at least as a base for lots of programs like games, video/photo editing software and even IDES for other languages because it’s the least memory intensive and fastest but it’s fucking complex and you need to have a solid understanding of the inner workings of the computer itself.

Javascript is easy but it’s so messy things get too overcomplicated when the project is large and you’re using the different frameworks for both frontend and backend and developers get confused if you get new guys to try to scale an existing project. I’ve only used it for web development. Nowadays clients want Single Page Apps(websites) so we build them mostly on React, which is basically a framework using JavaScript combined with html(jsx) with django as the backend.

Current “enterprise languages” for development other than websites are Java and C#. Java is also for android apps while IOS requires Swift or Objective C. The cross platform frameworks for mobile development are in Javascript or Typescript but the apps end up slower and sometimes more memory intensive so big companies with the budgets choose to go native.

Python is mainly for data science, AI and scripting but django allows website backend development but the frontend part sucks unless you’re doing something pretty basic.

Smaller companies on lower budgets will gravitate towards python and javascript and their various frameworks for front and backend development since they’re free for commercial use unlike Java and C#. Python can be used for software GUI development too but the one really good framework isn’t free.

Then you have databases like mysql and now we even have nosql databases in Javascript. And then you have to choose APIs for dynamic or static websites. If you want to have real time chat, you need to use something like Firebase or whatever else I don’t know about.

There’s just so much shit out there lol. But it depends on your goals and budget so it’s actually a good thing.

There are certified specialists in different aspects like cloud software development, architecture and AI. But hiring a firm that can do everything is hard unless you can afford to engage big firms. I can’t. The .NET framework with Azure is also separate from AWS.

But if you have no real technical skills and have to maintain client relationships and communications like me, then you have to know the basics of all the different stuff to be able to communicate with the client. Fucking hell, it’s like some sci-fi shit going on nowadays. I can get an email from a client detailing their required specs and I won’t understand 70% of it while even my own inhouse tech guy only knows half of it lol.

But I really have lots of respect for developers. I know the various stuff above at face value but if you ask me to actually learn to code in them my brain will explode.

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No, thank goodness. But one of my best friends in the world is from Bombay, and happens to speak both, along with about 6 other languages. And reads Greek, Latin, and another 5. Asshole.

I can get onboard with this.

Super awesome post all the way around. This is why I wanted to learn C++ all those years ago…thinking about doing video game design.

…aaaaaand this is why I stopped lol.

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My developers spend half their time whining so I pick this stuff up when I have virtual meetings with them. Apparently the Unity Engine now uses C#, which is more or less like Java, for game building BUT the program itself and infrastructure is coded in C++. They can complain about different frameworks and which is better like they’re talking about favorite football teams amongst one another like this all day while multitasking. I don’t understand how they do it but I’m lucky they do lol.

If I had started learning C++, I wouldn’t even have lasted a week.

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“This is my quant…” Lol

We are all lucky there are people that can do this. I have a couple old friends who are the same. It might as well be Swahili to me.

The C# popularity spike was about the time I was exiting any kind of programming goal lol

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I get Europeans lol. I can’t link the current generation of China guys(guys with the needed qualifications and experience are already in their late 30s to 40s) to local clients because they can’t communicate these technical things well in English. The next generation will probably be able to. The Europeans cost more but I get less headaches lol.

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Sometimes what you pay to avoid is more important than what you pay for lol

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I love you man.

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Appreciated. See guys? We can agree on some things and disagree on others.

I completely disagree.

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In Beijing’s view, allowing the IPO to go forward could effectively give Ant too much sway over the financial system, posing broader risks that could ultimately undermine the party’s grip on power.


Does this sound… familiar? Like, say,… a certain frequent twitter user?


The MSM. Do they have a responsibility to broadcast trump’s “save america march” and the lie-filled conspiratorial speeches? Or do they have a responsibility to just report on it, and it would be better to not broadcast it?

How should a professional news organization cover an event such as this?

If they want to spite Trump, then ignore it and show it to be irrelevant and toothless. And it is both irrelevant and toothless.

Otherwise, be like Trump and do what’s good for ratings.

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I’d say just report it objectively. Their responsibility is to bring the public the news. That’s all. They can go rant in opinion pieces.

It’s why they have some kind of reporter’s code or some shit like that, at least from what I’ve heard from Australian and South Asian reporters.

If they refuse to cover it, they will further convince the public that there is media bias and push them towards alternative media like the bums on youtube.

If they report it and give their own commentary, it’ll end up with similar results.

Simply put, just do your fucking jobs.


Since someone was killed, my opinion has changed.

A data breach…

Remembers NY Post Hunter Biden story being pulled for hacked materials.