Moving Hips Forward on Squats

[quote=“jbackos, post:20, topic:225041, full:true”]
Resorting to name calling is usually the method of those who have limited command of the language and an inability to properly debate a point. [/quote]
Which is probably why you called me a smart ass and said I was "“butt hurt”.

Why don’t you “illuminate me” by explaining why the video that I posted (from Greg Nuckols’ squat guide) is not acceptable in a powerlifting meet? A squat is a squat so long as it meets the standards of the federation you are competing in. As far as high bar vs. low bar squats, Nuckols has a couple of articles on the topic, maybe you should check them out. Here’s a quote that pretty much sums up the argument:

“There are few arguments in the strength world more common than high bar versus low bar squats; therefore, you can probably assume prior to knowing anything more about the subject that there are few arguments more pointless.
Just to make my opinion known before diving in (if you can’t guess it already): It really doesn’t matter.”

It’s worth mentioning that Bryce Lewis, who holds the 105kg raw total record in the IPF, squats high bar. But maybe he isn’t really a powerlifter after all.

  1. I never said a high bar wasn’t acceptable in a meet. Read my posts again.

  2. I read Nuckols, and Tate, and Coan, and Chad Wesley Smith, and Rip and the rest of them. In addition I have 35 years of Gym experience with 17 of those years competing in the ADFPA from 1990 to 2007. I was coached in the sumo deadlift by Steve Scialpi for a year. My resume is not at question here.

  3. Your mistake was illustrating a high bar squat and inferring that the mechanics are the same as the low bar squat. The mechanics are NOT the same. That being said no one in competition cares whether one squats high bar or low bar. We usually prefer low bar due to the greater weights handled IF THE MECHNAICS WORK FOR YOU.

  4. As for competing high bar this is nothing new. Please go review the tapes of Doug Furnas from the 80’s.

Is that clear enough?

I don’t even know what you are trying to argue about anymore, earlier you were talking about “proper powerlifting squats” and now you seem to have changed your tune. I never said that high bar/low bar mechanics are the same (although they don’t necessarily have to be very different) but you can definitely push your hips forward on a low bar squat. Actually, I did exactly that this morning. If you don’t agree then take your argument to Greg Nuckols because I have no more patience to argue over this nonsense.